chapter 1

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“What is going on!?”

“Yugyeom’s wolf lost control, hyung” Youngjae informed the leader. Jaebum sighed, this is the problem with debuting before presenting. When they auditioned and got selected for the group, only Jinyoung and Jackson has presented. Both were alpha. At the time, they all thought Youngjae and Bambam would be omega or beta, they weren’t sure if Mark would be an alpha or a beta- and Yugyeom, well- it was a bet, everyone aside Jackson thought he would be an omega but the Alpha said he knew the pup would grow up to be an alpha.

Jaebum was supposed to be an alpha too, as he was selected as the leader. But he never presented so in the end, he was said to be a beta. He asked if Jinyoung or Jackson wanted to be the leader as an alpha but the group refused, they were happy in his leadership and didn’t care about his status- they believed in his skills. Which was amazing.

Until they all ended up presenting as Alpha. Except for Bambam, who was beta but he was just as aggressive as an alpha. The doctor said there might be active alpha genes in him still.

Now, their group was all alpha with no omega to balance it. Or even a beta to intermediate and release calm pheromones, seeing Bambam had no serenity in his scent.

And… Jaebum was the scentless beta.

“Shit, we still have to practice the dance routine,” Jaebum muttered, he avoided being in the vicinity of rutting or uncontrolled alpha, too risky as their sense of smell is heightened and they can get a whiff of scents that are suppressed by pills.

“He is growling at anyone who goes near him” Youngjae added, Jaebum could feel him shifting uncomfortably at the wild pheromones coming from the studio. The most surprising was Youngjae, nobody expected him to be an alpha, with the way he was and the family he came from. He was the first alpha in his family in decades. Jaebum gulped, starting to feel the effect of alphas around him as they tried to leave the premises.

“Even Bambam?” Jaebum asked, hoping for a positive answer because he didn’t wanna go- knowing he will be the last resort as they can’t risk omegas near him, their group is not used to them yet- having no omega living among them (oh yeah, definitely). And with the way he can feel threatening growls, no beta will be helpful either.

“Nope. I think Yug needs balance, he is the youngest but the strongest alpha we have seen. He feels the urge stronger than any of us. I am afraid-”

“We can’t just bring an omega” Jaebum interrupted, no that would be too risky, the omega members living as roommates with their alpha or beta members have months and years to get used to each other without heavy instinct driving them. Suddenly letting an unfamiliar scent in the house, let alone for the starved alphas- yeah not a good idea.

“But we have to do something!” Youngjae shouts, always the emotional out of them. Another wave of unbearable pheromones strikes and they stop.

“Shit, damn. I will- let’s see if he let me pass” Jaebum jokes, biting his lips in uncertainty. Nothing like this has happened before, of course, similar scenarios have- but they have always managed without Jaebum involving himself. Their group is very affectionate and touchy, since they do not have omegas to balance, they try to minimize the touch-starve feeling by showering each other with more. And obviously, Jaebum refrains. As much as he wishes to jump in their puppy pile, he can’t- the members find it upsetting but after a few serious arguments they let him be, respecting his privacy and ‘wishes’.

“All the best, hyung. Let us know what happens, we will wait close by” Jaebum nods at Youngjae before making his way to the dance studio. He takes a deep breath, a little scared but mostly, worried about the alpha struggling inside. His heart aches because he knows how difficult it is, he has seen Jinyoung struggle with control- and he is the most level-headed person Jaebum has ever seen, it isn’t fair. how their group has to suffer when this could have been dealt with if they debuted after presenting. Maybe they might have had beautiful caring omegas in the pa- group. It’s not yet a pack-

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