chapter 6

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your hair, so pretty, hyung, always so pretty” Yugyeom babbled, pupils dilated “have a thousand fantasies for this hair alone, and your lips- oh that is another story” Jaebum blushed, the touch of alpha was burning his body, like fire, he felt hot- aching and aching- oh the need! Yugyeom’s frantic hands didn’t help either. Yugyeom stopped an inch from his lips, silently asking for permission- it amazed Jaebum how in control Yugyeom was- is, no other alpha could have resisted the intense pheromones of an unmarked omega, but here this alpha- already on edge for weeks yet he was holding himself back, so much power. He nodded, and Yugyeom dived for a kiss, hands pressing on his nape as he devoured his mouth, tipping him back with the force.

Jaebum was panting when they pulled away, his alpha’s eyes flashing blood red as his hands gripped his waist, he could already feel a bruise forming.

“I want to bite you, hyung, make you mine, ours” Yugyeom confessed, eyes wide and dumbstruck. The varying emotions swirled in his eyes, confusion, and desperation filtering through them.

“You aren’t mad? Disappointed?” Jaebum finally asked after they both calmed down- well as calm they can be given the situation.

“it’s okay hyung, you presented late, you couldn’t have said sooner, needed time, didn’t you? I was- but not on you, it was because you didn’t trust me. And disappointed? I don’t understand”

“Uh…” he stayed silent for a while, contemplating whether he should go all the way with the truth- that no, it’s been six years since he presented but the gentle kisses and longing touch won over, he can’t ruin this- he swears this time he would properly come clean but not before letting him have this. He has been rogue for too long, forgot what intimate touched even felt like, he wants to be selfish- just once in his life. He decided to answer the second question, couldn’t hide anymore “…that you’re stuck with an omega like me? I am not exactly… a perfect picture of an omega.” He gulped bitterly, self-doubt coloring in unpleasantly, Yugyeom must have felt the change, as he stiffened with an expression of bewilderment.

“What the fuck, hyung?” Jaebum winced, was about to reprimand him for the language but he figured it would be bad timing. “You’ve always been our most important piece, how could, how could we be disappointed? Fuck whatever being the perfect omega means, loving you doesn’t come from the slick of your ass or fucking you into oblivion” Jaebum choked at his blunt words, this kid! “though it is a good idea but that doesn’t matter, you are our Im Jaebum, our leader, our pack even if it’s not official, our family- whoever you be, whatever you present, how dare you to think we wouldn’t- we- that we would be disappointed? How dare you, hyung?”

“I am sorry…” he mumbled in Yugyeom’s hair, a trill of pleasure hummed in his body, the omega was silent and his head didn't hurt with the constant wailing- for the first time, he felt okay in his skin. And then he couldn’t stop. He wrapped his hands around the alpha, pulling him tightly against his body as he breathed, shuttering and shivering. Everything was so overwhelming but it felt so right, so good. He couldn’t imagine living any other way now, he didn’t want to. “I don’t have any excuse, Yug, I know I was wrong for hiding it. I was just scared- I-”

“It’s okay. You have me now, no more hiding, hyung. Promise me.”

“Always, Yug, for you, always” he desperately agreed, wanting more of Yugyeom’s touch on his body. The heady sensation, the pleasure from the mere touch was unnerving, he breathed in the earthy scent and felt as if he was knocked away with the unadulterated smell of wet trees and spring and every bit of nature in between, gods, he has never smelt anything like this before. His senses were sharpened, not filtering the pleasuring aroma his pills usually do.

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