chapter 2

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“Hyung? You’re going somewhere?” Youngjae asked, still in a sleepy state. It was their day off, they just finished the last performance for the comeback two days ago. After celebration and stuff, they were given a few days off before hopping back to their schedule.

It was incredibly hard, at some point, and it got worse with the secret he dreads to reveal, as Jooheon said- comebacks are really the high time. The excess of pheromones in the air, the way it surrounds him, taunting him- and just- it choked him. And it wasn’t just those things, it was everything, his doubts, his uncertainty, his fears- his needs- made him feel like he was falling into an abyss.

But he survived, he had to of course. He can’t let down his fans, his group, his family- he could never.

“Uh yeah… meeting my doc” Jaebum replied.

“Huh” Youngjae blinked, his hazy eyes became clear as he looked at him with concern “You okay, hyung?”

“Yes, I am really okay. My doc just likes to annoy me with monthly check-ups. She’s too worried- and for no reason.” Jaebum assured the quiet alpha, who seemed to get more bothered despite his assurance.

“I can come with you?”

“Naah, Youngjae-ah, nothing to worry about- I promise” He put on his best smile to convince Youngjae, who was still suspicious but let it go.

“Call me when you’re done, I can pick you up” Youngjae grumbled, even in his blurry state his voice left no room for a protest before he walked to the kitchen for some breakfast. Jaebum smiled fondly, ignoring the ache in his heart that occurs every time his alphas are doting on him. It’s not usual, since they seem to think he doesn’t like affection and as a leader, he is the one to dote rather than doted on- not that he’s complaining- he would never. But nonetheless, it feels good.

Well, since Youngjae is offering the ride back he will just have to ask one of the hyungnims to drop him off. He made his way out when he received the affirmative text from one of their bodyguards. It took the man five minutes to arrive at their dorm.

“Hey, Arthur hyung!” He greeted the half British, half Korean beta as he got inside the car. The blond man was on call, making a ‘give me a minute’ sign with his hand.

“Ugh yeah, yeah, Mer, I got it. I will be home by six, I am not bailing on you!.... oh my god, don’t say things like that on the phone!” Arthur was blushing deep red by the end, mumbling in anger which was endearing if Jaebum had a say in it. “Shh! I am gonna hang up-….. fine, love you too” He sighed, keeping the phone in the holder as he started the car.

“Oooh, you dating someone?” Jaebum asked curiously. Arthur was a close friend, most of the guards are alpha, he is one of the few who is a beta. It was pretty easy to get along with the man, though he can be a bit of a jerk he is a huge softy if you look closely.

Oh, also he is aware of his secret. One of the very very important reasons Arthur is his go-to bodyguard. The man has helped him with his sudden-omega situations and had been protecting his dumb ass since that day. The man is pretty protective of him too, much to his annoyance.


“What happened to fuck dating?” Jaebum laughed, Arthur was one of the guys who find relationships nothing but a bother. 

“Well, Mer is persistent. I turned him down more than I can count- I mean why would an alpha like him even want from a beta like me? Seemed weird”

“Hyung, you may be a beta but you’re damn hot, surely you know that?” Jaebum tutted, smirking when Arthur blushed again, the man was too easy to rile.

“A-anyway, after a month of constant annoyance on my part, I agreed- knew it wouldn’t work” ah there it is, the tone of depreciation he is so aware with, how that feels. “It’s been four months and he still is the clingiest idiot I have ever met” Despite the words, it was apparent Arthur really liked this alpha, his fond tone contradicting the supposed-irritation.

“Congrats, hyung. I can’t believe you kept me in the dark for five months”

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