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"Woah, Doc Song, you can reduce your unhappiness a little" He tried to joke, which fell flat. He sighed, he knows!? Okay. He does! It's- agh, damn it. Just so hard to explain the uncertainty, the doubts.

"Jaebummie," She said softly, sitting close beside him "I know, maybe not entirely, but I am aware of your internal turmoil. And I absolutely do not want to pressure you, I would never do that to you. But it's getting bad for your body and I, as a doctor, cannot allow that. And refusing omega the pack could... have a drastic effect on you. Much worse case, if your omega is bonding or imprinting the original."

"I guess... I didn't think I would matter that much" he whispered, barely audible but she heard, drawing him into a hug, tightly.

"Idiot" she chuckled "you've always been important, it's taking too long for you to understand that. And before you argue, I want you to answer me honestly. What if someone in your group was going through this? What if- Bambam was an omega? What if Jackson suddenly had the symptoms? What would you do? Would you pity them? Judge them? Change the way you see them?"

"NO! Of course no! I could never."

"There is your answer in that aggressive no. I can't force you, Jaebummie, but as a leader, I hope you choose the right option. If you hurt yourself, they will be distraught. And broken." Jaebum was quiet as if contemplating and depreciating. Song sighed, shaking her head.

"Anyway, your check-up is done. Aside from the mental strain because of the omega, your body is in good shape- though it will tire quickly without- you know- but it is healthy- as it can be with your pills. Dramas aside, rest a little. Since you won't resolve this any soon, sleep more so it doesn't affect you emotionally." Jaebum nodded somberly "I have sent few meds for alphas too if anything serious happens. Jinyoung-ssi told me their previous meds expired. That will be all."

"Thank you" Jaebum sincerely told her, she was so patient and kind with him, never pressuring him, he was grateful for having her in his life. She was more than a doctor for him.

"My pleasure, Jae"

He left the clinic and saw Youngjae already waiting for him. He waved his hand for Youngjae to notice him, jogging towards the car. Youngjae unlocked the door and he sat shotgun.

"Hey, hyung. How was the check-up?" He asked, casually but there were obviously hints of concern in his tone. Jaebum ruffled his hair playfully as the alpha was turning the car.

"All good. Though she said that I should rest a little"

"Hmm, you should, hyung. This comeback was very tiring- especially for you, even leaders need rest"

"Sure sure" he shrugged off "What you all doing today?" Suddenly he felt heat pooling in his stomach but the sensation was gone in a second. Ugh, why?

"Arcade? Bambam wants to let off some steam" He snickered "Mark hyung wants to visit a museum, Jackson hyung just wants to eat, Jinyoung hyung doesn't care and I don't have anything on my list yet. You wanna do anything?" Oh, he wanted to, but it seemed risky. He took the last pill seven hours ago so nothing should happen for few hours but- still it would be careless on his part.

"Naah, feeling a little doozy." He saw Youngjae's face fall, feeling guilty, he knew what the alpha was thinking, that Jaebum was distancing himself- agh "Maybe we can go to some art gallery tomorrow or later? Or a beach? Or private water pool?" He suggested and the delighted look on Youngjae's face relaxed him.

"Oooh, we should do all of that!"

"Later, though" He reminded him before Youngjae got too excited.

"Yeah yeah," He giggled.

After that, they just lazed around before Bambam ran around the dorm, high on energy and whining about getting out of the dorm. They were almost not gonna go but with Bambam's nonstop chattering, Jinyoung and Mark finally got their ass out. Yugyeom was in the studio, practicing- that stupidly hardworking kid- so it was just Jaebum in the house. Jinyoung wasn't keen on leaving him behind, Jaebum had to throw him out of the door to make him go.

It's a good thing he was alone in the dorm today. Just wish they stayed out for few hours so he can pop another pill. Hiding has always been tiring and nerve-wracking, and daily bases of endless guilt. Maybe he should take their advice and come clean, he owes these idiots at least that much.

And this is the best time, he was trying to convince himself, they had no schedule for a few weeks, no promotions or practice, just chilling and all. But he also didn't want to ruin their vacation with his angsty ass. But he can't reveal this in the middle of comebacks, fans can notice them. He must do it now. He was pacing around the house, for more than twenty minutes now. Jinyoung called him in between, always the worrywart, told Jaebum it would take two more hours to be home. And Jaebum didn't mind, it would be perfect for his cycle. Maybe he should just rest as Doc suggested. An hour passed when he realized Yugyeom was out late. He thought if he should call and check on the young alpha. That alpha overworked himself a little too much than necessary, it made him worry if it was because he felt restless due... to well... reasons.

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