chapter 20

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He tried Jinyoung's phone but it said switched off. The battery had probably run out by now. Jaebum didn't take any suppressant, Yugyeom had left enough of his scent to warn anyone, he said the original's scent is threatening and alphas can detect the superiority so no one will bother him in his mission. Jaebum had used a mask and black goggles for precaution and he had pills in case any unpleasant event takes place suddenly, he had learned to be scarily prepared after all these years.

There weren't many places Jinyoung frequented, he wasn't an outdoor guy, a lot of places he visited either with him or the other members. Even though he knew those places, they were far from each other. He had an inkling that the alpha would be in the deserted park that was an hour away from their dorm but he needed to be sure so he went to other places he had in his mind. He didn't want to go to that park and be disappointed...

Finally, he covered all the other destinations. Yugyeom messaged him that Youngjae and Bambam were leaving Youngjae's hometown. He had about three hours now. With shaky steps, he walked further, praying that the alpha was here. He looked around, there weren't many people here, it was mostly a sulking spot but thankfully it wasn't a dangerous area as there was a huge institute just beside it that hid the park from citizen's view and even had a bit of control over the park.

Was Jinyoung not here? oh god- no- did something happen to him!? Okay, Im Jaebum, calm down, you can't leak your distressed scent all over the place! Before he could start losing his head, his keen eyes spotted a very familiar figure hunched over the bench in front of the lake. Jaebum gulped, trying to even out his breathing to make sure it was the man he was searching for.

He was.

Jaebum took big strides towards Jinyoung, almost running, he was well aware he hadn't decided how he will convince Jinyoung, what will he even say?- but he missed his best friend and his worries got the best of him.

"Jinyoung!" He yelled as he neared the alpha who flinched but didn't turn back to see, the alpha was shaking his head, thinking he might have misheard. Jaebum reached the stubborn alpha, he only wanted to tap his shoulder lightly but with the emotions in him, it came out forceful. Jinyoung was startled, turning to the intruder with a defensive stance, ready to fight then he saw Jaebum and froze.

"W-What- you..."

"Jinyoungie..." Jaebum said his name softly, afraid that he will run away again. Jinyoung closed off again, his expression turning neutral as he averted his eyes from Jaebum. "where have you been?"

"why do you care?" The alpha questioned coldly.

"Jinyoung... I didn't- I didn't mean to hide it"

"five years"

"It was never on purpose!"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jinyoung finally asked, resigned.

"as I said, it was never on purpose, I didn't lie to you all because of some sick fun-" Jaebum felt frustration in his bones, why can't they understand- he could never hurt them.

"No, wh-why didn't you tell me?"

"What do you..."

"fine, you may have your reasons- but you could've told me, I am your best friend, we have shared every secret- there is nothing you don't know about me and...I thought I did too. We are together in this, JJP against the world- when we passed the audition-"


"I deserved to know!" There was red in his pupil.

"Deserve!? Just because you're an alpha and I am an omega doesn't mean-"

"This isn't about alpha-omega bullshit!" Jinyoung snarled, anger radiating from him and making his omega tremble in submission but Jaebum held his ground.

"Then WHAT?"

"I deserved to know so that I could have helped you! You wouldn't have to go through everything alone! We promised to help each other in hard times- to be each other's support- we promised!" Jaebum was shocked- he had assumed the man was angry only because of not telling him sooner but Jinyoung had entirely different reasons.

"Jinyoungie- I am sorr-"

"No... maybe it was my fault" Jinyoung laughed bitterly, Jaebum couldn't understand how the hell he came to such a conclusion "I wasn't reliable enough for you to depend on me"

"Jinyoung, no! that was- no, never! That's complete utter bullshit" Jaebum denied vehemently, suddenly realizing how close both of them were, breathing harshly, their nose almost touching.

"Then what, hyung?" He said brokenly, his voice so small and defeated "I raked through my brain and that's the only explanation I could come up with. Why else? You didn't want to be our omega, you didn't think we were enough, I wasn't what you needed" Oh my fuck! Jaebum's eyes widened at his words, how could he think that- god no- were all of them thinking this? Shit.

"I swear, Jinyoungie, that's far from it. I couldn't ask for any better pack than ours- I swear"

"Then why?" Jaebum could feel Jinyoung's anguish, his conflicts, his miseries- there was no anger despite his initial rage. "I wasn't a good friend. I should have noticed it. I should have been more careful, should've paid more attention-" Jaebum grabbed his collar and pulled him in an embrace, not being able to hold back the urge, this was a mess.

"Oh Jinyoungie, you were so good to me, you were perfect- please don't blame yourself, it was never your fault" He whispered quietly, his hold tight, not wanting the alpha to escape. Jinyoung sniffled, then shuddered, making Jaebum concerned but then he sniffed- oh yeah, his scent...

"Your scent... you- you're not taking the..."

"No, I am not a beta anymore, no?" Jinyoung shook his head, his hands curling around Jaebum's waist as he hugged back desperately. Jaebum never expected the confrontation to go like this. But he didn't know Jinyoung wasn't angry, he was hurt and worried. "let's go home, 'nyoungie, I will tell you everything"

"No" Jaebum would have been troubled but the tone was more of a childish tantrum than in the scary anger he was expecting from the alpha. Jinyoung didn't let him pull away, his face buried against his neck, rubbing his nose all over. "Stay" He requested.


Hyung, everyone is here. where are you? It's so late.

I will be home soon, Yug.

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