chapter 25

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After another hour or two, Jaebum was able to convince both of them to get up. They hadn't really eaten anything last night, and they all didn't talk much either. Of course, they will need to discuss at length everything now that the truth is out but for now, a bit of recklessness isn't bad. 

Jaebum ignored Jinyoung's attempt to bathe with him, he's not interested in raging alphas this early in the morning, hell naw. 

It’s not like he did it on purpose- really, it was pure coincidence. After a few days, stealing Yugyeom’s hoodies and tees for comfort had become a norm, so really, he didn’t think too much today either, simply- and blindly- reached for the comfy long-sleeved sweatshirt that was clearly not his, and put it on. It made him feel safe and warm, and it was huge- and nothing was huge on his body. So of course, he didn’t calculate the effect his unconscious decision would cause. At first, nobody noticed, still in the dazed mind and processing, and just letting it all sink. Bambam and Jackson were trying to cook breakfast while Youngjae tried to right their stupidity- and Jinyoung was not seen, like the other two alphas. Which brought him back to where the hell were they? Maybe he was too paranoid but being that helped him in his ruse- so- yeah.

“Hyung, do we add salt in the pancakes?”

“What- no way! Salt? In sweet?”

“Yeah, but only a little” Jaebum replied, smiling fondly when Jackson gave him a ridiculed look. “It’s as if you haven’t cooked this before”

“Well, Jinyoung or Mark-hyung made the mix usually, or kept it in the fridge”

“Oh” Jaebum wondered why he didn’t know that. Then realized, in his pursuit to not get too domestic because of his status, he tried to avoid activities that could result in such situations, if it wasn’t his turn to cook he’d come late and if it was, he’d get up early. Yeah, he was an idiot. He had missed too many details, too many moments, too many things about his members for this. He hopes he will be able to collect it all. Soon. One step at a time.

“Okay, Jackson hyung, you make them, I will set the table, and Bammie, bring the rice and kimchi- I think there was some meat in the fridge. And if we are more hungry, someone parcelled a few takeouts, so there is that.”

“Got it”

Youngjae made his way to Jaebum, who was sitting at their dining table, just observing- probably for the first time. He either helped, had important works, or wasn’t present. This seemed peaceful. The alpha smiled, keeping a plate of fresh fruits and cream in front of him.

“Oh thanks, Jae” Jaebum said, slightly taken aback but grateful, he was hungry. Youngjae sat beside him, not taking his eyes off him. Jaebum tilted his head, confused as he bit into the cream-dipped strawberries. “Jae-ah?”


“What’s up?”

“Just admiring you, why?” He grinned mischievously, eyes still stuck on him as Jaebum blushed at the sudden boldness, not being able to meet Youngjae’s gaze. “Is hyung shy?”

“Shut up, Youngjae” Jaebum tried to say in a strict voice, but the blush on his face and shyness didn’t help, at all. The alpha laughed adorably, eyes crinkling, and Jaebum couldn’t help appreciating the man in front of him. He was so different, so unique, not a usual alpha, and yet it suited him well. So determined and strong under the quietness and soft posture, sunshine but with raging fire inside, it was fascinating as it was beautiful.

Youngjae didn’t bother him after a while, but his eyes promised things. Jaebum coughed, ignoring the intent. It didn’t take long before Mark arrived with Yugyeom in tow. With the breakfast ready on the table, the starving members didn’t wait to devour the whole thing, slowing down only after a second serving. With the speed they were going, Jaebum assumed they would be needing those extra takeouts. That’s when Jinyoung appeared, wearing a black tank top and trousers, his hair wet- which looked too sexy- to be honest. He smiled at him warmly before starting his own breakfast, he was more refined than the other, which reminded him of royalty sometimes.

The atmosphere was calm, happy, and carefree. And it looked good on them. Jaebum couldn’t wait anymore, he was curious where Mark went- it bugged him for some reason, and he didn’t know why. Thankfully, he didn’t need to be nosy as Bambam asked the same thing. All eyes turned to Mark thoughtfully, waiting for an answer.

“I went to visit Doc”

“Song? The one we scared off?”

“Yes, Bam, the one Jinyoung scared off." The younger alpha shrugged, not apologetic of his actions, Jaebum wondered what did he miss, filing this information in his mind to ask them later "I wanted to know about… what will happen now… of course we will- we will bond but we have no idea, we never cared for an omega before, since we had no omega in the group, we didn’t seem to be interested in finding any other so we don’t have practical knowledge and experiences about being mates and of omegas. We also have an original in the house… so I wanted to know how we will work. And how to take the steps we need… to make sure nothing goes awry.”

“Ohhh… our wise alpha” Jackson winked, happily munching on his bread. Jaebum was glad to see the lightness in the way they were holding themselves. “Please share it with the rest of the class”

“She said it would be very hectic for us and Jaebum, us- because we have only one omega to mate with, but more to Jaebum because he will have to deal with all of us. But since there isn’t an option, it can’t be helped. It’s a delicate matter and needs to be treated carefully, she said- really emphasized on communication… and-”

“And?” Jinyoung looked curious.

“Ah… schedule”

“for what?” Bambam asked impatiently.


“yes but for-”

“For god's sake, Bam, when we get to have Jaebummie hyung to ourselves,” Jackson said, lips turning up in mischief. Jaebum resisted an urge to bury himself in the ground. “So, how do we do it? Hyung, you shouldn’t avoid asking either” he said the last sentence to Jaebum, didn’t want Jaebum to feel embarrassed or excluded. Jaebum simply nodded, the flush deepening on his face.

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