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Jaebum wakes up with a feeling of soft lips peppering it’s way down, slowly, gently, and hands slipping inside his tee in mischief. He groans absentmindedly, his mind still blurry from sleep, pushing back into the pleasing touch. As his consciousness started coming back, earthy scent invading his nostrils, his eyes snapped open and he turned his head to see his alpha smirking at him with intent. A rush of panic filled his head before the memories of the new routine slammed into him, relaxing him once again. It’s been more than a week but it would take longer for years of restrain to subside.

“Morning, hyung” Yugyeom greeted against his skin, continuing the slow torture, one of his hands lingering dangerously close to his ass as if waiting to slip inside before the hand withdrew.

“Idiot” Jaebum sighed out, feeling unnaturally light, the ministration of the alpha making him slightly aroused and slightly dazed. “What are you doing in my bed?” He asked in exasperation.

“Did you really think I would let you sleep alone from now on?” Yugyeom snickered before turning Jaebum to his side so they would be face to face. Jaebum knew how he looked like, his hair messier now that it was long, sticking funnily in all directions, eyes a little swollen from sleeping, lips dried and drool sticking at the corner of his lips but Yugyeom was staring at him with such adoration, it took his breath away. Then his gaze fell on Yugyeom’s very naked- shirtless torso, he gasped, averting his eyes in embarrassment. But the alpha only laughed, pulling him even closer, directing Jaebum’s hands on his shoulder.

The omega bit his lips, quivering hands hesitantly moving against the firm, hard skin, guiltily enjoying the contact. Yugyeom’s large hand grasped his waist in a possessive manner, this time skipping past the clothing barrier and exploring with a desperate touch.

“Idiot” Jaebum repeated again, this time shakenly, blushing red under the unforgiving eyes of his alpha. Yugyeom chuckled at his cuteness, nuzzling his face into the omega’s soft pale neck, breathing in his sweet citrus scent and leaving his own on Jaebum, like an invisible marking (Yugyeom is now able to fish out his scent with his 'original' nose as he says, once he smelled him). The members won’t be happy, and Jaebum realizes that’s what Yugyeom wants.

Yugyeom has never used his status, his bloodline as a badge, as arrogance, but somehow this matters to his wolf. To claim his omega in front of the other alphas, to warn, to alert, to antagonize. Jaebum doesn’t know if he should roll his eyes, feel giddy, or stop an apocalypse from happening.

Then all thoughts flew away from his mind as Yugyeom scraped his teeth against his neck that has become sensitive to the alpha’s touch. He whimpered, his omega urging him to get marked, to be claimed, to beg the alpha to sink his canines-

It will leave a mark and that cannot happen! Jaebum registers in the heat of the moment. The marking would be for the world to see, for their members to see, then there would be unanswerable questions, a sour atmosphere, and that just cannot happen. He needs a good, warm environment to drop an i-have-been-an-omega-for-years bomb. He pushes the alpha, with very little force so as to not agitate his wolf into thinking he was rejecting the alpha.

“Don’t leave marks, Yug.” He murmurs softly, shushing Yugyeom’s whining with a light kiss on his nose. “Soon” he promises, his own eyes reflecting burning desires to match with the alpha’s darkened ones.

“Unfair” Yugyeom says after collecting himself, pouting but pulling away nonetheless. They could already hear animated chattering outside, the other members have woken up and will come banging on their door if they do not get out soon.

“It is your turn to cook breakfast” Jaebum reminds him, stifling his laughter as Yugyeom’s pout intensifies and he is confronted with Yugyeom’s puppy eyes. “It is not an end of the world, Yug” Jaebum laughs this time, knowing well Yugyeom doesn’t like cooking that much. He is a disaster in the kitchen but Jinyoung decided the alpha needed to learn basic skills of survival (which was met with a menacing growl and a reminder of ‘I am an original and the forest is my empire’ which was followed by ‘I don’t give a shit about that since you’re useless in this side of the world’ which turned into a fight no one dared interrupting). Jaebum broke out in cold sweat when he realized he had to be the one stopping these idiots- and oh boy that was a nightmare. But he managed to convince Yugyeom who agreed to cook- or try cooking- once a week. The original wolf is never a happy puppy that day.

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