chapter 23

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I still think you were wrong to hide it completely,” Mark said softly, hold tightening as Jaebum made an attempt to move “we are a team, even if not an actual pack, we can’t hide things from each other, our priority is the strength of our pack. Yugyeom was put at risk because of this decision. A lot of things could have been prevented-” Jaebum’s expression crumbled “-but… how can I fault you when all you tried was saving yours and our dream? I would be an asshole to be okay if something did happen and you’d have to leave us, leave your purpose, or simply if our group broke down. Thank you for finally confiding in us, and thank you for protecting us when it was our job to do so, when even we couldn’t do it properly. You prove again and again, that you’re our true leader, Jaebummie. I am so proud of you. Your reasoning isn’t illogical. And true, once we bond they would have known someone is an omega. Now we can deal but at that time it would have been difficult. So, it’s okay. You did well.”

“H-H-Hyung…” Yes, he was crying, fat tears flowing without restriction as if a weight has been lifted as if he could breathe again. The members felt agitated, seeing the omega in distress but Mark rubbed his back in a soothing manner, hoping Jaebum would calm down once he cries to his heart content. The omega must have restrained himself so much, for so long.

“My omega, such a strong pretty thing, and all ours, aren’t you?” Mark purred darkly, his scent changing to vanilla as he comforted the crying omega.

“Ye-Yes…” Jaebum looked up, eyes and nose reddening, looking too adorable for words. “Yours” he replied firmly despite his shaky voice. Mark’s eyes flashed red, his hand pressed against Jaebum with too much strength making the omega squeak in surprise.

“I- I am sorry- I-” Mark shuttered in embarrassment “I wasn’t expecting you to say that”

“It’s okay, hyung” Jaebum replied, abashed and cheeks dusted pink.

“Sooo unfair! We also want to see hyung’s cute face” Bambam giggled, looking genuinely excited and happy.

“Everyone will get a chance, don’t we?” Mark asked Jaebum in a deep voice making the omega flush with the indication as Jaebum hid further in the older’s embrace. “But we all need to rest first. We all are spent with emotions.”

“Puppy pile?” Jackson asked.

“Puppy pile.”

“D-Does…” Jaebum started, suddenly unsure, his members looking at him expectantly “that mean… you guys are willing to forgive me?”

“Of course, you silly hyung” Youngjae muttered.

“You will have to pay some dues for making us so worried though” Jackson smirked, brows wiggling with a vulgarity.

“It will take time to adjust… but hyung, it’s improbable to not forgive you. You are our leader, our hyung, our family!” Yugyeom said, eyes sparkling with joy, speaking after a long while. The original’s presence does wonder for his self-esteem. A few more tears dripped from his eyes.

“T-Thank you so much… I love you all” He confessed. The multiple replies he got in return calmed his heart.

“Alright y’all, time to rest!” Mark announced loudly. Nobody had slept in peace except for Yugyeom who was out of it the whole time. To talk further about the pack and relationship from now on, they needed a clear head and a good nap.


Everybody took out pillows and blankets from their rooms and spread them out in the hall, pushing aside the sofa and couches so they could sleep comfortably. The contentment rippling across the room was refreshing, even when they did puppy pile, the absence of Jaebum had always bothered them and then the lack of omega in their pack. But now, everything seemed perfect.

It seemed like nobody wanted to leave Jaebum’s side, even for a trip to the kitchen, it took them minutes to leave. At least two members stuck to his side. The only one to not be as desperate as the others was Yugyeom. And Mark had a feeling why.

“Yug…” he said quietly as he entered the kitchen, since no one was ready to part from Jaebum, Yugyeom was doing the job. Filling water bottles, taking out some snacks and nutritional supplements was a good precaution in a puppy pile that reeked of longing and desperation as nobody would be leaving anytime soon.

“Yes, hyung?”

“… I wanted to ask… but I refrained from fueling the fire. You knew about him being an omega, right?”

“I did”

“…hmm thought so”

“Are you angry?”


“I am sorry… I-”

“We will talk about this tomorrow. I don’t want our idiots to stumble on this conversation right now. Everybody is curious so we will just discuss it together. Be ready to be attacked though.” Mark gave a sardonic smile.

“I am prepared”


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