chapter 3

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"Congrats, hyung. I can't believe you kept me in the dark for five months"

"You weren't exactly free for the gossip, Jae." Arthur retorted, hinting about the preparations for comeback and performance.

"Touche" He rolled his eyes. They talked a bit, including how he should come clean to his group as they are his family and deserve to know- way to guilt him, Jaebum thought. Jooheon was also in contact with Arthur, at first only because they knew about him- since only a handful of people are aware of his condition. But then they bonded over how Jaebum shouldn't hide his status. It was like having two mothers.

"Let me know when you're done. I will probably be close by." Arthur told him as they reached the clinic. Jaebum got out of the car and turned to him.

"Uh no, it's fine. Youngjae told me he would come" The moment he said it, Arthur was smirking at him, knowing exactly how happy his voice sounded "Oh shut up"

"I didn't say anything" But he was laughing.

"Whatever, see you, hyung" Arthur nodded and stayed until Jaebum got inside the clinic.


"Im Jaebum-ssi," The doctor said, Jaebum could hear a note of disappointment and exasperation in it. "You stubborn little shit" Okay, that escalated fast.

"Rude" he muttered.

"Well, if you stop coming to me with new problems, I wouldn't be."

"How is it my fault? The suppressant is wearing off sooner than the time printed on the pills! And each month the capacity decreases."

"I looked into it, it's because of your omega"


"It's trying to get the pills out of your system. I concur it's because of the alphas in your dorm. I am not sure, but maybe you all have bonded? As a pack. The wolf hates being away from the pack, not only you live with them but avoids reaching out to them has made your omega distressed. It can smell them but can't feel them, it knows they are close and the only reason they can't realize is substance restricting the omega characteristics."


"Another theory is, the presence of the original wolf is making your pills useless. These meds are nothing against their pheromones."

"But how can I solve it?"

"I donno why I can't reach your thick skull! Jaebum it's obvious why. You live with a house reeking of alphas, your omega is restless with constant need. Just because you've suppressed the urge doesn't mean it's not there. The solution would be, if you're so desperate- move out. You've five alphas in your house. And one, an original. You really think it wasn't gonna affect?"

"Great" He huffed in response, what could he even say? He wouldn't move out- he can't be away from his members "So I should up the dose? It has turned to twelve hours now. Or less."

"I am not giving you more than prescribed pills, Jaebum. They can be very dangerous if overdosed, can even mess up with your pheromones. I have given you a month's worth- and I am guessing it's halfway done, and it's not even the mid of this October"

"Doc Song, you gotta help me" But she shook her head.

"If you continue this, Jaebum, the pills can even lose their temporary effect."

"Shit" He didn't care about the conversation, except this scary part. It can't be. Damn it, it can't.

"What did you expect? You are hurting you and your omega from keeping it away from its pack. And from keeping them away from having a pack. You know damn well pack cannot be formed without an omega. Which your group 'supposedly' do not have."

"Woah, Doc Song, you can reduce your unhappiness a little" He tried to joke, which fell flat. He sighed, he knows!? Okay. He does! It's- agh, damn it. Just so hard to explain the uncertainty, the doubts.



Well I am uploading a lot today, in behalf of my apologies for being missing so long, man I am embarrassed...

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