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You should be like this more often, hyung," Youngjae says, not looking up "It's nice" Before Jaebum could shyly thank him, he added "But it is pretty" Jaebum made a choked sound.

"As if you all don't roam around naked" He muttered under his breath, which was audible to alpha hearing.

"Ohhh we distract you too?" Bambam grinned, finally speaking up. Jaebum huffed at his mistake, trying to hide his blush, faking a cough, and made his escape in a desperate attempt.

"He is sexy" Jackson pouted "What am I gonna do about this hard-on?"

"You aren't the only one" Mark smirked.


Soon enough, they gathered in the living room for the movie marathon. Jackson was setting up the TV while Bambam was taking out preferable movies to watch. Mark and Jinyoung were in the kitchen making snacks for the marathon, knowing how hungry they get in between.

Jaebum walked in, emerging from his home-studio (basically a small room for his songwriting, inspirations, and stuff) after the whole weird interaction in the morning. It was past two, Jaebum sighed, he missed lunch. Nobody disturbed him, probably thought he was hiding from them and didn't approach him. Youngjae was napping on the couch and Jaebum decided to be bold, they wouldn't mind anyway, now would they? He nudged the sleeping alpha, telling him to scoot over since he has taken over the whole couch.

"H-Hyung?" Youngjae yawned, eyes looking blearily at him.

"Any space for me?" He asked teasingly. Youngjae stared at him for a few seconds, then sat up, making a place for the leader. Jaebum ruffled his hair fondly and settled comfortably on the soft couch. "Bammie, don't forget Pirates Of Caribbean for me" He called out. Bambam gave him a thumbs up. Jackson was busy connecting the speaker to the Smart TV. Youngjae dozed off again in the meantime, head cushioned on his shoulder, snuggling into him like a kid.

This was nice, Jaebum thought. The members were unsure around him- about his sudden change of heart, and they were right to do so since Jaebum has always been moody regarding group bonding activities or mostly anything that has the risk of revelation. It will take time but he is ready to take another step. Kind of. He was drifting to dreamland too when he heard his name being called.

"Jaebum hyung, pass me that speaker," Jackson asked, pointing at the blue portable speaker kept on the table beside him.

"Samsung's not working?"

"Nope, I think we broke it the previous time" He giggled, Jaebum sighed at their antiques. They were dancing wildly, Jackson had the speaker on his shoulder, blasting the music loudly when Bambam joined him, taking away the speaker. Yugyeom didn't want to miss the fun and the push-and-pull started. Youngjae went ahead in order to stop them but he bumped into Yugyeom who fell on Bambam in whose hand the said thing was and there was a crash. Yes, it was the speaker. They checked it and it seemed to work that time.

"Crackheads," Jaebum said affectionately. He stretched his arm, trying to get the speaker without waking up Youngjae, but he was sitting on the opposite end of the couch so he couldn't reach it. "Jae-ah, give me that speaker"

"Hmm...okay," the sleepy man said, handing him the device. Not wanting to get out of the couch, Jaebum outstretched the said hand, hoping it would reach without him needing to move. Jackson rolled his eyes but neared to take it. Maybe if he was on guard like he usually is, he would have realized his shirt was riding up, exposing something he shouldn't have.

"Hyung?" Youngjae's hitched voice alerted Jaebum. "Your waist is bruised" Fuck.

"Uh-" He wanted to facepalm himself as he saw the other busy two member turning their attention to him, Youngjae's words caught in their ears.

"Someone hurt you?" Jackson growled from behind, and Bambam was no better with his furious expression. He will have no peace, seriously, since that day things have been getting in his way purposely.

"No no, nobody hurt me" He firmly denied, because nobody did! Youngjae's eyes hardened, taking another meaning for his answer.

"You let someone hurt you?"

"Oh god, no!" Jaebum was about to get up but the strong grip of Youngjae on his arm stopped him, forcing him to sit down. It is still surprising to see Youngjae showing his alpha side though he acts like a beta usually. "Seriously, it's nothing"

"We will see about that" Jackson replied darkly, Jaebum swallowed nervously. The alpha stalked towards him, in a second pulled up his shirt, inspecting the bruised mark and ignoring Jaebum's angry commands. "This is a hand mark, hyung" Their voices were scarily cold.

"Who was it?" Bambam asked, aggression obvious in his tone. Jaebum knew he couldn't give any fake names, they might get into an unneeded fight. He cursed at his purring omega, it was no time for being satisfied at his alphas getting protective over him.

"It was Yugyeom!" He confessed in panic, the strong scents of alphas unbalancing him, musky scent, a little woody, like summer and scent of leather, strawberries hitting him.

"He hurt you!?" The fury worsened.

"He- he-"

"Hyung was blindly going into the kitchen, sleepy when I came back from the studio" Yugyeom interrupted, leaning at the railing of the stairs "He tripped on something and I quickly tried to catch him, used a little too much of my strength and it left that bruise." Jaebum sighed in relief.

"You lost control of your strength?" Jinyoung asked, suspicious. Great, everyone was here at the commotion. Just amazing, Jaebum thought. It is weird for Yugyeom to lose control, the original alpha had too much of command on his body for it to betray like that.

"Maybe because of my wolf" Yugyeom reasoned. They seem to take his response as an answer but the air around them remained unclear. He could tell Mark didn't buy it. Neither did Jinyoung.

When the issue resolved (hah!), they all took their place and Jackson started the first movie. The tension was still high but it seemed to go down after a while. Wooh, that was a close call. Bambam, Jackson and Jinyoung were on the floor, their body covered with comforters and curled around each other. The couch was huge enough for the remaining four, Yugyeom chose to sit beside him while Mark cuddled with Youngjae.

"Hey, hyung" Yugyeom greeted, smiling silly, his hand wrapping securely around Jaebum's waist, pulling him close sneakily.

"Hi" Jaebum chuckled lightly, mindful of attracting any attention towards them. He could feel Yugyeom trying to pull him in his lap without alerting anyone. "Stop it" He whispered, finding it hard to concentrate on the said movie.

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