chapter 18

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Jaebum went back home on Doctor Song’s insistence, he had nowhere to mop and it was better to do it in a safe space. I am not moping, doc, Jaebum had claimed. Sighing and cursing every deity- you know, the usual- he had sunk on Jinyoung’s mattress while wearing Yugyeom’s shirt, trying to resist the urge of nesting. His heat was a week away, and he was scared, with all these disparities and his resolve to not consume the pills anymore- he doesn’t even know what will happen. His heat doesn’t persist like other omegas, because of his intake, but now his omega inside would definitely beg for an alpha, and his heat will become unbearable- and worse- like how it is rumored. The only thing he was thankful about during his situation was the void of pain.

Doc informed him about Yugyeom’s arrival, at night probably. The members have not come back from wherever they were. At least they were safe. Except for Jinyoung. Lord knows where that idiot is. His phone was switched off, the manager couldn’t pinpoint his location with the GPS he has installed in their cell phones. It was important as werewolves can lose control and lost their way in the city. Aside from a few messages from Mark and Youngjae to Doc, there was no other contact. He knew his omega was becoming restless the more its alphas stayed apart, taking it as rejection. He didn’t feel like eating but his body needed its daily nutrition and with an already weakened state of his, it would be preferable to not self-destruct his body.

Fortunately, there was a month before they had to go back online and start their comeback preparation. Their agency wasn’t willing to give them time-off for so long, but Jackson and Jinyoung stood adamant, and Jaebum was able to get through with their break request.

He misses them. So much. After getting familiar with them again, after knowing how comforting their warmth felt, after being wrapped with Yugyeom’s arms… he was itching to feel their touch. How was he able to go along for years without it… he didn’t know, but he couldn’t do that anymore, he needed- has to make this right. That means coming clean. About more than one thing. He just hopes they give him a chance at least, just to hear him out, he really hopes. He sighs, and then gets up from Jinyoung’s bed, missing his best friend even more while trying to keep worrying about his whereabouts at bay. He had to physically stop the urge to call Mark or Jackson, maybe beg for forgiveness? But he knew they needed time, not to just process but calm down too. God, he was pathetic.

As hours went by, his stomach started rumbling, even if he didn’t feel like eating, his body was hungry. But he wasn’t sure if anything edible was available in this home, they were out almost the whole day yesterday and he didn’t buy anything coming back from the agency. He checked the fridge, aside from Yugyeom and Jackson’s proteins and some sweets, there wasn’t much to eat. He was about to leave in resignation when the corner of his eyes caught something in the microwave. Huh?

It was a cinnamon roll, choco milk, and chicken soup with a note at the side.

Surprise, hyung! I heard you mumbling about lack of choco milk and wanted to eat homemade baked goodies  - Your Jae <3

Jaebum felt his heart breaking. Oh, Youngjae. He took out the milk and heated the other two items, the smell was delectable and he couldn’t wait. He didn’t even know Youngjae could bake!? Eating the food his alpha made for him was energizing, his body no longer felt like it needed to burrow a hole and hide, or run away from the chaos- it was delicious. He will definitely make Youngjae cook more often-


He is the leader of GOT7 and it is his responsibility to make sure they survive. It will be okay… it has to be.

He finished the rest of the goodness in minutes, feeling better than he has felt in hours, it was refreshing. He was gonna plan how to explain the truth without fumbling and making the situation even worse. And to shorten the story. He doesn’t think the alphas would have much patience, with their wolves agitated with the fresh betrayal. Come on, Im Jaebum, you can do this, you got this. His cell rung, snapping him out of the pep talk he was giving himself.

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