A Promise

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Namitha came through, eyes blinking adjusting to the light. As the seeress foretold, her life had been preserved but that was not Namitha's biggest concern at the moment.

Why was Lufner carrying her? Why was there not a single scratch on her body and where was the beast? Did it just walk away? Did Lufner come to her rescue and chase it off?

Things were not adding up.

She shivered, recalling her near-death experience. Was there even a beast standing behind her to begin with?

"Glad you're awake, Nami."

"Where is it? Where did it go?"

"Where did what go?" He laughed nervously and Namitha was late in picking up on his tone as she glanced frantically about scanning the trees, snow and bush.

"There is something out there. A bear or wolf... It almost-"

Suddenly Namitha's blood went cold as she heard the beastly growl again. This time it was a lot closer to home and she shrieked and buried her face in Lufner's back. Her arms closed around his neck to the point Lufner struggled to breathe.

"Hey, let go."

Namitha did as asked, and slowly let herself down. When he turned to face her, he was pinned under her scrutinizing gaze. It dropped down to his stomach and as if on queue, it bellowed a loud, resounding growl. A deafening silence followed. The air changed for the worst and Lufner fell on his behind in the cold, cold snow as his wife took a step closer.

"I can explain!"


Zollo chugged a large gulp of mead and seconds later looked solemn into the mouth of his leather bottle to find it was indeed empty. He thought the first helping would last him at least two days and the thought of his depleting stash made him uneasy. However, today might just be his last so indulging did not seem half as bad. Throwing care to the wind, Zollo went straight for the second.

He looked off into the woods. Lufner had been gone for a while and it was about time he was to come back. He mused about him being lost.

"What's taking them so long?" said Usoff. He too looked down the path Lufner ventured. A nag of perturbation present on his face.

On his way back, he scored a boar and Sangard was busy preparing it along with the rest of the game.

He expected Lufner and Namitha would have been back by now. It was getting late.


Out the wood to their clearing came Namitha with Lufner behind her, rubbing his head. The woman was livid and a fight was amidst.

No one dared say a word. Not even Sangard who had eyes only for the boiling pot of stew and roasting meat.

They had all had run-ins with the couple's bickering every now and then. Today's was different.

"What are you guys on about this time?"

Usoff who was assumed to be the weakest of them proved to be the bravest.

"I don't want to talk about it."

Namitha went straight to the tent. It wasn't the best set-up but it sufficed.

"I am going to rest for a while. And no one and I mean no one disturb me." She cast a look at her husband, huffed and pulled down the covering, shutting off completely the tent's entrance.

Silence ensued.

Namitha did not show for supper. Sangard had hoped that the food's aroma would have drawn her out but that was to no avail. Usoff tried to lighten the mood by reciting one of his epic tales but not even that was enough to lift Lufner's spirits. Zollo even offered to share his stash of mead but Lufner did not bat an eye at the drunk's generous offer. Sangard was relieved that he at least ate his usual helping of food.

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