A Proposition

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As roosters orchestrated the new day and as light crept through the windows, Lufner and Namitha were wide awake engrossed in conversation.

"How come I've never heard of your mother?"

"History favours men."

Namitha kissed his lips and moved away to see his expression. To her delight he wore a smile bigger than the one he gave her the moment she waked.

On his wrist, she spotted a purple-bluish bruise.

"Where did you get this?"

"Don't you recognize it, shield-maiden? This is your doing. Don't worry about it. It's just a bruise."

"It is not just a bruise." She examined the area. "And don't flatter me. I have never been in battle. My father will never allow it."

"Would you want to if given the chance?"

Namitha got up and sat naked at the side of the bed.

"Now that you're no longer in your father's house, don't you desire to pick up a sword and shield in battle, shield-maiden?"

"I am but a wife."

"A very strong wife."

"And future mother to your children. When that time comes I wish to be alive and of good health. If I can fight to protect my children, that will be enough."

Luffy trailed a finger down along the burrow of Namitha's spine and she bent and lulled her head back. She did not mind his touch. After learning what he was capable of, he was more than welcome.

"My lord."

"Come back to bed."

"Do you wish to ravish me again now that you've come to know a woman?"

"I haven't come to know a woman. I have come to know you."

Namitha spun around; a fury in her eyes and a deep frown on her face.

"Aren't I a woman?"

"You are my wife. The greatest woman I'll ever come to know."

His words pleased her greatly and she combed her vibrant orange hair over to one shoulder.

"Why have you orange hair like the sky at sunset while your mother and father have not?"

"So you noticed. They took me in as a babe and raised me as their own. My mother could not conceive. And I pray to the gods that I will not come to know such fate."


At his command, Namitha joined him under the furs and watched him carefully.

She invited a kiss and when he pressed his lips and licked the sensitive parts on her neck, Namitha wanted to vanish into thin air. His tenderness was unbearable and left her shuddering for more of his touch.

She married a man familiar with the battlefield, who looked death in the eyes many times and laughed right back. For this reason, she thought that she was going to be treated like a drum but he handled her instead like a harp made of the finest of gold.

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