A Friend

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When it was time for a real apology, Sangard had no problem, grovelling before Namitha so low, his head touched the ground.

If apologizing meant that he was permitted to be in the company of a beautiful woman, it was not a problem for him.  No problem at all.  He had nothing to lose but his dignity but that had gone down to an all-time low whenever in the presence of womenfolk.

Some on the other hand were not so courteous.

"Apologize?" Zollo took a step back in disgust.  "Why should I apologize to this witch?"

The cook was a disgrace.  Then again, if he expected something else it would be likened to laughing at the gods. 

The happenings of the previous day did not easily leave Zollo's mind.  He did nothing but ask a favour and look where his big mouth got him.   His nose was broken and it hurt like a bitch but unfortunately, due to his reluctance, Lufner punched him again. 

This time in the jaw.

The swordsman cursed and grabbed a hold of Lufner.  He, however, refrained from beating him to a pulp. 

"It's easy Zollo." His carefree voice pissed the drunk off even more.  To make matters worse he heard the crack of knuckles, and the halls of Valhalla flashed briefly across his eyes.

The sight of the angry witch caused him to shudder and it made his throat grow dry.  Women never scared him.  This was the first.

He released Lufner and looked off to the side.  The sooner he could get out of this mess the better. 

"I'm sorry, okay?  To both of you."

"That's the spirit!" 'Shishishishi' Lufner slapped his back and Zollo pushed him off making him fall in the dirt.

Lufner kept on laughing. 

"You're both forgiven."

Both apologies were to Namitha's satisfaction. 

Zollo grumbled and stormed away. Whether or not he ate was not a concern of Sangard's.  He could eat shit for all he cared. 

There were more important matters at hand and that was gaining Namitha's favour. 

"When you're in danger, m'lady, I'll protect you.  To have a woman like you hurt would not happen on my watch," said he reaching for Namitha's hand but she refused to give him the light of day. 

Lufner who heard it all wanted to intervene but Namitha was not a fan of someone speaking up for her if she could help it.  She could do that well all on her own. 

"Keep your serenading and glib for your whores, cook.  And I do not need your help.  In the case of grave danger, the only person I want to see coming to my aid is my husband.  I trust him more than anyone."

Namitha sent a dazzling smile Lufner's way and he slowly stood and stared. A fierce feeling filled his chest. 

Her proclamation did not faze Sangard the slightest.  He was the protector of all women claimed or not.  Happily, he disappeared inside to complete the meal.  

Zollo made no reappearance.  He instead sought to drown his humiliation with ale. 

Wanting to observe the cook at work, Namitha reached for the door and said,

"Aren't you coming, Luffy?"

What she saw in his eyes was purpose and once he was mere seconds away, he pulled her in for a kiss. A kiss that lingered and when that was over,  Namitha's eyes were wide as plates. She accepted another, gripping firmly the fabric of his shirt.

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