An Earl

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Namitha's eyes looked to and fro from her husband and friends to the same man she tried desperately to save. 

She grew more and more terrified with each clink of their weapons.  Her heart stilled.  Her breathing came to a halt. 

"What are you-" she began but was rendered silent when she caught Lufner's eye.  It beckoned her close but Namitha stood her ground.  She was not a child.  She deserved an explanation.

When she took her stance, she saw her husband's face morph into fear and soon came the protests of those with him. 

"Get behind us, Nami!" cried Usoff.

"I suggest you move before you wind up getting yourself killed," said Zollo but Namitha could only scoff.  For a man who just moments ago almost died at her hand, she did not want his advice. 


The stranger stopped his coughing and the air in the room turned cold.    Namitha gave him one glance and stood in front of him. 

Her husband was far from pleased.

"Nami, please.  Come here." Lufner motioned behind him.  "Now."

His tone was stern and meshed with concern, but did little to move her. 

"Tell me first why?  Why must this man die?"

"I'll explain later."

Just then, their guest raised his arm again to stifle his coughing but Usoff mistook it for an attack and Namitha standing so close made him lose all composure to fear.  Alas, he released his strained bow and it went flying. 

Namitha had regarded him seconds before when she heard him gasp and seeing all his actions, stood in the arrow's way and how Usoff's eyes widened in horror when this exact thing took place. 

The next events happened all too fast.  One moment Namitha's life was in danger and then came more. 

But alas, the man who stood behind her was quick to take action.  He pushed her aside and had the consequence of an arrow lodged deep in his arm.  It pierced through meaty flesh, tendons, and veins. From the depths came a rush of blood.  He cried out little and Usoff was sure his breeches were soaked in piss. 

In that instance, all Hel broke loose. 

Sangard gave Usoff the eye and took it upon himself to retrieve Namitha since Lufner stood still and sallow as if all life had left him.   Although the sudden push was gentle enough to avoid any stumbling, Namitha spun on her heel to resume her position as barricade and lost her footing to uneven ground.  She hit her head hard, snapping Lufner out of his stupor.  Soon he was at her side worried since she made no sound.  She was still conscious and thankfully there was no blood. 


"I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

Lufner watched her eyes dim in and out of consciousness.  The dead man was less than a stone throw away. 

He met eyes with him but there was no threat.  Namitha must have sensed the same but they could not be so sure of hidden intentions.  He carried no weapon and to be surrounded with no place to run, how could he defend himself?  With just his size and whatever meagre strength left in him, it was all a dead end. 

Namitha tugged at Lufner's collar.  Her other hand applied pressure over his which held where she received the blow.   Lufner reckoned that the pain was now soaking in.  He humoured himself with the thought that the gods had given him a headstrong, presumptuous wife. 

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