A Week

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"Next week."

All ceased their chatter and looked over at Zollo.

Two hours had passed since Namitha left and it was time for a break from the ship.

"Next week we should go camping in the woodlands, near the mountains up north."

"And why would we want to do a shitty thing like that?"

The snow yonder had already begun to pile up.  It was bound to be a difficult and dangerous venture.  Unless one absolutely had to, travelling of any kind was a big NO during this time of the year. 

The man he addressed was Lufner.  He was all ears.  Whatever it was that Zollo had to say seemed important. 

"That wife of yours-"


Zollo scowled and massaged his temples.  That woman to him was known as a witch, a swindler and Lufner's wife.  There were other not-so-kind names he called her but all that was going to end today as Lufner silently dared him to say anything else but Namitha's rightful name.  He had yet to trust her completely.  She needed to be put to the test.

"Nami wants to come with us but she has never struggled a day in her life and has never had a taste of real danger.  I'll say this as your friend, Luffy, but Nami is not ready for a voyage.

"Protecting her is one thing but there will come a time when she has to defend herself with or without our help."

Zollo shared a look with the other men.  Lufner had always been a carefree man who laughed in the face of danger.  And although he had an answer for almost everything, he was far too simple-minded to see the bigger picture. 

"I hate to say this, Luffy, but Zollo is right."

Lufner much to everyone's relief nodded in understanding. 

"Nami is strong."

"That she may be but she lacks something very important: experience. 

"Let us not forget she is a woman. That is why this will be necessary."


Everyone braced themselves for Lufner's answer.  He did not have much of a choice.

"I'll talk to Nami."

Namitha put on her hood and saddled her bag before turning to Lufner to help with the wooden buttons of his brown, wool coat.  He was struggling a bit not because he was incapable but because his mind was elsewhere.  He was worried. Worried for Namitha's safety and the like but this trip might do some good.  Not only for her but him also.

He had to be strong.  For her.

"You okay, Luffy?"

"Yeah.  Let's go."

Being a step ahead, Namitha stopped her hand inches away from the door in thought.  It was about time to meet up with the guys but they had a bit left to idle. 

While Lufner adjusted his bag, Namitha surprised him by the press of sweet lips. 

"Let me kiss you."

"Why?" So he had asked but had already seized her by the waist and gathered her close.  His raspy voice sent shivers all over her. 

"When we are out there, there might not be any time for us so make love to me right now as if now is your last."

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