A Dead Man

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Lufner stirred from rest.  Out of everyone, he was the last to wake.  His eyes opened to his wife laying side him who turned at once to loom over him like a hawk. 

She was skeptical of him and he wondered what it was he had done to betray her trust. 

"Why did you not tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"That there was a-"


Both their eyes went wide and Lufner sprung to his feet and cast a hand behind him.

"Stay here."

Namitha did not dare move. 

The voice was Usoff's and Lufner ran out to meet his frantic friend.

Usoff was red in the face and clearly out of breath.  He pointed to the West. 

"Is it alive?"

"No.  It is dead."

Both he and Sangard had headed to the West to seek food. 

The cook waited by the carcass until Usoff and Lufner arrived.  He saw that Namitha was some ways off behind a tree.  The sight of the massive beast no doubt terrified her.  Women were the most superstitious.  Surely she thought that by mere chance the beast would return to life and tear each and every one of them to pieces.  But that was not the case.  Namitha only wanted to see it for herself. 

What killed it was more important.  Another bear?  A pack of wild wolves?  It was strong enough to escape but eventually lost all will to live. 

Lufner checked the animal and found that its head wound resembled that of an axe gash. 

He seethed in excitement.  Respected the weapon that was capable of doing this.  But a weapon did not move in accordance with free will.  It had a wielder that Lufner could not wait to meet him.

They went back to the camp and around the fire, they made decisions of what to do with their discovery.  Its fur and skin were valuable so it was decided that they would skin the animal and take its fur.  It deserved no burial.  Instead, it would serve as food for the wild animals. 

Soon, Zollo arrived.  And just as Usoff did, he lead them to a spot between some trees.  There laid a body.

This time, the first to approach was Namitha. 

It was a man.  A rather large man and Lufner was certain he was the mortal who battled with the bear.  His spirit left him hoping that he was not left for dead.  He sure looked it. 

"Is he dead?" Namitha asked.  She knew not who the man was but had a willingness to help him. 

"I didn't check."

Zollo cared not.  The others were merely curious.  Namitha checked the man over.  His face and skin had swallowed, snow and eyes crusted his beard, lashes and hair.  His body was alarmingly cold but to much relief, she found a pulse. 

"He lives."

She ordered the men to take him back to camp.  Those who objected had the luxury of choosing either to carry the man or bring the camp where he laid.  They all chose the former, fashioning together a raft of logs to transport him, lest there be broken bones. 

They laid him on his side by the fire on and Namitha was quick to bundle him with all the cloth and fur she could find.  His hands and feet were clad with glove and boot protecting them from frostbite.   His coily, coarse hair was long enough to protect his face and ears. 

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