Seeing Him Again

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"Butters!" My Dad shouted from behind my bedroom door. He jiggled the knob to find it locked and started banging his fist against the frail door. "Butters open up right now!"

My eyes shot open as I picked myself up with a bit of effort. I had exaughsted myself from crying and ended up falling asleep on the floor. After stumbling to my feet I quickly headed over to the door and turned the lock. It nearly hit me when it swung open .

"What were you doing?!" My Dad asked sternly. His hands were balled into fists at his sides.

"N-nothing Dad, I was just trying on some clothes you guys got for me," I said hoping that would be a good enough excuse to have my door locked. He hated anything being secret. If he had just a few more screws loose I bet he'd even want to follow me into the bathroom.

He glared at me. "Never lock this door again, got it?!" He shouted.

I flinched and quickly nodded. "Y-yes Sir" I mumbled.

"Good. Now go finish your chores".

I nodded as I walked past him and headed down the hall.


I carried my parent's laundry up to their room and started putting clothes away. When I got to my Mom's dresser I couldn't help but stare at all the pretty nail polish she had displayed on top. There were a lot of colors, including my favorite shade of blue. I started reaching out for it, just to get a better look. But then I stopped. I really shouldn't. I can't risk getting caught with it. I let out a heavy sigh and quickly finished up so I could walk away from the taunting nail polish.

I didn't think anything was wrong with me. Not at first anyway. It wasn't until people started telling me there was that I realized how much of a freak I was to them.

The first time it happened was when I was around five years old. My Mom had taken me to the mall to find some clothes for back to school. I wasn't happy about it. I never really cared much for clothes. Especially when they were gifted to me on birthdays. I didn't know too many kids who did.

That all changed however when I saw a particular part of the store. Everything was so brightly colored and just sparkled! It was like looking at a double rainbow over a Disney castle. I've always loved Disney princess movies. They had such pretty dresses. I thought that maybe if I wore a dress like them, I could feel like a princess too!

"Mommy!" I called out as I pulled away from her hand. I ran over to a baby blue sequined dress and held it out from its rack for her to see. "Can I wear this on my first day of school?" I asked with the biggest grin on my face.

She let out a laugh. Why was she laughing? I didn't say anything funny.
"Honey, stop fooling around," she said. "We don't have much time left. We need to find you some clothes before it hits 1:00".

"But...I found something right here" I pouted. Her smile faded when she realized I wasn't joking.

"Butters, get over here!" She whispered harshly.

"But I really like this dress. Please, Mommy, please?" I begged.

Her cheeks reddened as her eyes shifted around the store. I looked around too. People were staring. Some giving dirty looks and whispering to one another. I suddenly felt very small.
I gasped when I felt my Mother grab ahold of my arm and drag me away from the "Girls" section. She didn't look back at me or even answer me when I asked "why are people staring?" and "what did I do wrong Mommy?".

She stopped once we reached the other side of the store and started throwing in the first shirts she could get her hands on into the cart. I didn't like anything here. Nothing sparkled. Or had pretty colors. And they definitely didn't make me feel like a princess.

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