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Butters POV

Today was "the day". The collar of my suit was so tight that I couldn't swallow the lump sitting in my throat. I stood in front of the full sized mirror in my parents bedroom, staring at the itchy suit I had been stuffed into. The tag scratching at the back of my neck claimed that it was my size. Perhaps it was just the day itself that was suffocating. I see Linda's reflection as she enters the room and walks up behind me. Her pale face cracks into a wide smile as she places a hand on my shoulder. Her skin was warm. Too warm. Her touch felt like fire, yet at the same time it shot a cold chill up my spine.

"My baby boy looks so handsome" she said now grabbing both of my shoulders, causing my entire body to stiffen. "I always dreamed about this day. And now it's here! You'll make a wonderful husband, I know you will. You'll take good care of us". She pulls away to wipe tears away. "My son is all grown up".

I remained silent as she rambled, not even moving unless it was to tug at the collar. Just then the door behind us opened. Stephen walked into the bedroom with a stern expression.

"Are you finally ready?" He asked.

My eyes glance over at their bedroom window. I watch as the clouds roamed free across the sky.

"Yeah" I muttered. "I'm ready".


Kenny's POV

"I can't thank you enough for this Bebe" I said taking the airline ticket from her. I wouldn't have been able to afford it without her help.

"Of course hun" she said looking at me with the softest eyes. "Please be safe bringing our Leo home. Call me as soon as you get there and keep me updated. Do you have everything you need?"

"I think so" I said glancing down at my suitcase on wheels. She packed me things like clothes, a good amount of money for food and places to stay, and a solar paneled portable charger for my phone.

"Okay" She whispered before giving me one final tight hug. "Best of luck".

"Thanks again" I whispered back. I pulled away and looked down at my ticket as we started to depart. I looked behind me, giving her, Craig, and Tweek a small wave and a smile. Bebe smiled back as she wiped away worrisome yet hopeful tears off her cheeks. Tweek twitched and looked at me with so much worry and tears in his eyes. Even Craig's usual monotone look was softened with concern. I nodded to them, promising I'd make a safe return with our dear friend.

I found my seat on the plane and waited impatiently for it to take off, biting my nails and bouncing my leg. It wasn't long before I couldn't sit any longer and had to pace trying to expel the nervous energy clinging to my chest. It was now that all of the questions started to flood my mind. How will I ever find him? What if I'm too late?  God please don't let me be too late...

It seemed like ages before a voice announced that the plane was ready. I sat back down and stared out the window, silently pleading for the plane to take off already. Each second that passed felt as though they had been stretched into minutes.

"Is this your first flight?" An older voice spoke. I turned my head to an older women with purple hair seated across the aisle from me. She leaned over her arm rest to get closer to me. "It's okay to be nervous about flying".

"O-oh, no, I'm not nervous about the flight" I said giving an awkward smile. "I'm...hoping to find someone. A friend of mine".

The women nodded. "Mm, I'm sure they'll be looking for you too".

"Yeah" I said looking out the window again as the plane finally started to move. I thought about us both wondering the big island searching for one another. "I hope at least one of us is lucky".

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