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I should have been relieved as soon we pulled up into Bebes driveway. We were safe now. But I still felt just as uneasy as I did being under my parents roof, and my chest was starting to feel heavy with guilt. They had done all of this for me, they risked so much to get me out of that house, and I had nothing to show for in return.

The keys were pulled out of the ignition bringing a heavy silence, followed by a sigh from Bebe that made my heart sink. I couldn't help but feel like her sigh was a result of having to deal with the burden of taking me in.

I felt someone bump shoulders with me and was brought out of my thoughts when I looked over at Kenny's smile. "You okay, squirt?" He asked in a sweet tone. Over the years I've noticed that he only spoke in that tone only when referring to me.

"U-um," I stuttered as I played out my old habits of fidgeting with my sleeves. I bit my bottom lip trying to find my words. Bebe looked at me with soft eyes that eased my nerves a little. "A-are you sure it's okay for me to stay here, Bebe?" I thought out loud.

"Of course!" Bebe replied as if I had just asked a stupid question. Wich, to be fair, I guess it was. It's easy to forget just how much my friends are willing to do for me when I've lived my whole life feeling like a burden. But these were my friends. They care about me. Hell, I'd even go as far as to say that they're my true family.

Kenny wrapped an arm around my shoulders and ruffled my hair. "We're here for whatever you need, Butterfly" he said sweetly. I smiled at the nickname.

"Thanks guys," I whispered. I rested my head on Kenny's chest. " Thank you for everything".

"Anytime, hun" Bebe replied. "Now let's get inside. There's a pizza with our name on it".

Kenny gasped and his eyes lit up brighter than all the stars in the sky. "Pizza?!"

"Yup, I had Craig order us one. He just messaged me that it arrived not too long ago".

"PIZZAAAAAAAA!" Kenny sang as he pulled away from me and sped out of the car. I pouted at the loss of contact from him and Bebe laughed.

"Kenny!" She called after him. But he was already across the yard and bursting through the door. "You left my baby for pizza you bastard!" She shouted. I broke into a fit of giggles as we exited the car. "Don't worry, I know where he sleeps at night" she smirked.

I shrugged. "I can't really blame him, it is pizza afterall".
Bebe chuckled and held my hand while we walked up to the house.

As soon as I was through the door I was almost pushed back out when Tweek tackle hugged me. I stumbled back and had to stop myself from falling off the steps.

"Butters! Thank God you're okay!" Tweek squeaked out. "I was so worried!".

I smiled and hugged him back. "Yeah, Tweek," I whispered as my vision blured with tears."I'm okay". Tweek squeezed me tighter and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Don't pop the poor kid" Craig said with a smirk. Tweek laughed and pulled away. "You want some pizza?" He asked.

"Uh, actually-" Kenny inturupted. "I think I should help Butters find a place to put his things upstairs first". He met eyes with me and nodded his head towards the stairs as if it were urgent.

"O-okay" I said grabbing my bag. I followed him up the stairs and down the hall. I was expecting him to bring me to Bebes room, but instead he brought me to the bathroom. "What are we doing here?" I asked.

Kenny crouched down in front of the sink and opened up the cabinets. "We have to take care of your arms" he spoke quietly. He took out the first aid kit and sat it down on the counter.

"Oh.." I looked down at the floor. If it weren't for my sleeves rubbing against my scars every so often, I probably would have forgotten about them, at least for a little while. I wish I could forget. I hate that I do this to myself, and yet I still do it.

I feel a warm hand cup my face and meet eyes with Ken. A tear escapes me before I can stop it and my bottom lip starts to quiver before I bite down on it. My best friend wipes the tear away and looks at me with soft eyes.

"You're not a bad person for doing this, you know" he said to me. "You're going through a lot right now. But you never have to face it alone".

I nodded and rested my head on his chest. "Thank you Ken. You have no idea how much that means to me" I whispered. And it was true. I obviously couldn't rely on my parents to ever be there for me. So I was beyond greatful to have a friend like Kenny.

"Anytime, Leo" Kenny spoke softly to me. He then carefully rolled up my sleeves and turned the faucet on. I stuck my arms under the cold water and allowed Kenny to help me clean my skin with a little bit of soap. Afterwards he took some paper towels and gently dabbed my arms until they were dry enough to be bandaged. I watched as Kenny wrapped up my arms with care. As soon as he pulled my sleeves back down I hugged him like there was no tomorrow.


After placing my bag in Bebes room, Kenny and I joined the others downstairs. They were all watching a movie while enjoying their pizza. I grabbed a slice for myself, Kenny grabbed two. We then sat next to eachother on the couch.

We were almost done the movie when I took a few moments to take in my surroundings. The once delicious meal was now nothing but crumbs in the box. I wasn't used to feeling so full. Bebe was curled up in a recliner almost falling asleep. Tweek and Craig were cuddled up on the floor. And Ken was sprawled out comfortably on the couch next to me. A smile of peer joy lifted my face. I finally felt at home.

Kenny's POV

It's official. Leo has the most beautiful eyes and nobody can tell me otherwise. The way he looks around the room with that sweet smile of his just melts my heart. I hope he never loses that smile.

I quickly looked back at the screen playing princess and the frog when he caught me staring. I silently cursed at myself in embarassment. I felt him scooch closer until his head was on my shoulder. A dumb smile appeared on my face and I let out a small chuckle.

Something funny happened in the movie. I think we were at the scene where Charlotte La Bouff slams a book down on Frog Naveen. But I was far too distracted to know for sure. Especially when Leo let out an adorable laugh. He looked up at me smiling, and suddenly everything around us was gone. It was just me and him. His face was only a few inches away. His bright blue eyes shifted between my own.

I almost did the unthinkable. But then Butters turned away again to look at the screen. "Fuck" I mumbled under my breath.

"Hm?" Butters hummed looking back up at me.

"U-uh, nothing-" I said pulling away from him and standing. "I'll be right back". Without another word I fled up the stairs and into the bathroom. My heart was pounding. I clutched my chest in an attempt to slow it down. I had to stop feeling this way every time I was around Butters, or I was going to be absolutely fucked.

Ayo sorry it's been forever. I've just been drowning in work and adulting bleh💀 but please do leave a comment, tell me what you think, I love reading y'all's thoughts no matter how small or big <3

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