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A/N: This chapter is just a bunch of silly "slice of life" stuff with lots of fluff! Enjoy :)


As soon as Bebe pulled up to the edge of the forest and the car came to a stop, Butters flew out of the back seat and started running down the path, not even stopping to close the car door behind him or to wait for the others. He sprinted down the path smiling ear to ear. It was only a few moments later when he heard someone else running up behind him. He turned his head to see Kenny quickly catching up. They smiled at each other. With racing hearts, they grabbed hands and ran to there new home together. They ran all the way down the path, only stopping when they reached the steps. Kenny collapsed, allowing himself to fall back into the grass. Butters sat down beside him. They glanced at one another as they caught their breath.

"We made it" Kenny whispered sweetly in between breaths. "We really made it".
Butters smiled down at the freckled boy, thinking back to everything they had been through together. If he had to do it all again to be where they were now, he would. It was all worth it. Kenny threw his fists in the air. "WE'RE FINALLY HOOOME!" He shouted into the sky.

Butters giggled and gave his own shout to the world. "WE MADE IIIT! WOOOOOO!" They listened as their voices echoed around the tree.


Butters blushed as he laughed. He lay down beside Kenny and kissed his adorable dork on the cheek. "I love you too, Kenn". He looked up at the clouds above them. "I LOVE KENNY MCCORMIIIICK!" The blonde shouted before they both went into a fit of giggles. Ken rolled himself over until he was just inches away from Butters face. He cupped the boys sweet face and closed the distance between them, firmly pressing their lips together. Butters kissed back with just as much passion, if not more.

"Come on you two!" Bebe said urging them to get up after finally catching up. The others weren't too far behind her. "Come see the new place already!"

The boys rose to their feet and raced to the front door. Kenny placed his hand on the doorknob, taking a moment to breath and take it all in. This was a whole new beginning after all. Finally, he pushed the door open and they all scurried inside the cozy cabin.

"Oh my god, no way!" Kenny said immediately taking note of the bean bag chair sitting in the living room. He ran over and plopped himself down in one.
Karen checked out her new room, and Butters wandered around a little before curling up in Kenny's lap.

"Thank you so much guys" Kenny said to others. "This means...the world to me".

"It was nothing. Besides, I had to get you two out of my room at some point" Bebe giggled. "But yeah, everything should be in good shape and all your stuff should be here". She looked at Butters. "I even put your cute new outfits in your closet" she said with a wink. "Aaaaand I may or may not have gotten you some more".

Butters perked up. "Really?!" He ran over to Bebe and hugged her tight while hopping up and down. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" He cheered with tears in his eyes. Bebe giggled sweetly and hugged him back.

"I just couldn't help myself. Oh! I also got you guys matching pajamas" she said with a wink. Kenny looked over from his spot.

"Matching PJs you say?" He smirked. "Hell yeah!" He launched himself off of the bean bag chair and took Leo by the hand, dragging him to the bedroom.
He went over to the closet and immediately found the two adorable cat onesies. They came with ears on the hoods and even tails. "I call this one!" Kenny said grabbing the orange one. Butters giggled at his adorable boyfriend and grabbed the white one that reminded him a lot of Hello Kitty. It even had a bow on it.

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