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Kennys POV

Bebe and I exchanged the same worried look before following after Butters inside the Restaurant. We found him sitting in a booth with his chin burried in his arms that were crossed on the table.

We sat across from him. His glossy eyes remained lost somewhere. Bebe reached out and gently placed a hand on his arm. He still didn't look at us.

"Leo?" I spoke softly. "Are you sure you're alright? It's okay if you aren't. That must have been hard facing your Mom like that". He nodded. "But, I am proud of you. It takes guts to stand up for yourself, especially if it's against your own parents. That was pretty bad-ass of you. You should feel proud of yourself, squirt".

He shook his head. "I...Don't feel proud" he mumbled.

"What do you feel, hun?" Bebe asked him. She ran her thumb up and down his arm soothingly.

"I just feel..." His eyes watered up even more. "Sad".

"That's okay" Bebe whispered. She stood up from her seat and stepped to the other side to sit next to him. "It's perfectly okay to feel sad".

"Yeah!" I said ducking under the table. I crawled over to the other side and sat on the other side of Butters. "You can be sad and still be a bad ass".

"You mean like, a sad ass?" He questioned. A noise escaped my throat as I tried to hold back my laughter. A cheeky smile appeared on his face. Then he started to giggle. I laughed with him and Bebe just shook her head at us immature boys.

"Hi, can I start you guys off with some drinks?" A waitress said appearing out of nowhere.

"Oh-" I said now realizing that none of us had even looked at the menu. What do I want to drink? Soda? But what kind? There's too many I can think of. Maybe I don't want soda. Where even is the drinks section on this dam menu?

As I was in the middle of thumbling around with the menu, Bebe spoke up. "I'll have a sprite, this one here will have a hot coco, and that one will have a lemonade". Lemonde. That was perfect. Why didn't I think of that?

"You got it!" The waitress smiled and walked off to fetch our order.

"How did you know to get me a lemonade?" I asked.

"Yeah, and how did you know I'd want a hot chocolate?" Butters added.

Bebe shrugged. "Mothers intuition".
Butters and I laughed. Sometimes she knew us better than ourselves. Bebe hummed and bumped shoulders with the small blonde between us. "Feeling any better?" She asked him.

He gave a small nod. "Yeah, a little. Thanks guys".

"Anytime, Butterfly" I cooed. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I loved making him blush at my silly nicknames for him.


He said he was okay. He was even laughing with us again. But I saw the way his smile would fade when he didn't have something distracting him. I tried to keep him distracted. I made jokes and even tossed one of my fries at him. It worked for a little while. But that lost look in his eyes never went away.

It got worse as we left the Restaurant. He didn't do anything but stare out the window as we drove home.

He grew more and more quiet as the day dragged on. He stopped laughing and only smiled on occasion. He kept saying he was fine, that he was just tired.

Finally, as the day was drawing to an end, he opened up. It happened under the stars, when I found him sitting in the grass in Bebe's backyard, staring at the moon. I had a seat next to him, ignoring the slight dew that was making my pants damp.

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