The Unwinding Truth

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Kenny's POV

After that night, I spent every minute I could searching online for a new place to live. I wasn't having much luck though. Every place I found was either way out of budget or way too small. There wasn't much living space available in this small ass town, unfortunately. Most of it's existence was to serve tourists.

"Find anything yet?" Tweek asked walking up to me. I was on my break scrolling through my phone and mumbling to myself about how ridiculously hard this was. I shook my head while frowning at the screen in front of me.

"Nope," I turned the screen off and tossed my phone onto the table I was sitting at. "Nothing". I dragged my hands down my face with a groan. This was hopeless.

"H-here" Tweek said sliding over a coffee and muffin. "Make sure to eat something".

"Thanks man" I mumbled. I took the blueberry muffin and took a bite just as the little bell above the front door chimed. I looked over and saw Bebe rushing over to us holding a Newspaper with a very excited look on her face.

"Guys, check it out!" She slapped the papers down onto the table.

I leaned over and scanned the page she was so happy over. I saw a big flashy yellow printed add smack down in the middle. "New anti-fungul cream for your butt cra-"

"No!" Bebe inturupted. She pointed to the bottom corner of the page. "There". I looked again to see an add for a cabin someone was trying to sell. Now this perked my interest. "It's perfect!" She squeeled. "It's away from town, aka away from Butters ass hole parents, but it's still close enough to where you can go to work and stuff. It has two bedrooms, and the owner is keeping the price cheap if the buyer fixes it up a little for him since the place is kinda old".

"Oh my god that's perfect!" I smiled. "I'm awesome at fixing stuff. And a cabin sounds amazing! Thanks Bebe!" I jumped up and hugged her. She chuckled and happily hugged back.
After pulling away I looked at the paper again and dialed the owners number up on my phone. Things finally might be turning around.

Butters POV

I was told to mow the lawn today after lunch. The weeds were getting out of control and the grass was about as tall as my ankles. My Dad threw a fit about it after seeing our yard through the window. And apparently, It was my fault it got that bad. He said that I should have been paying more attention and took responsibility. I gritted my teeth as he was yelling at me. It wasn't my fault I didn't notice a bit of grass growing. Especially when I have a million other things on my plate to worry about. He just loved finding an excuse to chew me out. I didn't argue though. I just replied with a "Yes, sir" like the robot that I was and immediately headed for the back door.

As soon as I emerged into the unforgiving heat, I regretted putting on such a heavy sweater this morning. But I was stuck in it. I couldn't risk taking It off and having my Dad see all the scars on my arms. Or anyone for that matter. I couldn't even roll the sleeves up. This was going to suck.

I already had a trail of sweat trickling down my back as I pulled the lawnmower out of the shed. I peeked over my shoulder to see if there were any eyes on me. Sure enough, my Dad was glaring at me from the kitchen window. I quickly averted my gaze and let out a sigh before starting up the lawnmower. I started by the fence and slowly pushed it across the yard. I felt my face getting warmer and the handlebar was starting to become slippery under my hands. The forecast said It was going to be 70 degrees today. It felt like 90 for me though. I might as well have been roasting in an oven.

A loud rattling noise made me jump out of my skin. The mower stopped. I must have run over a rock. I groaned and pulled the mower back. I grabbed the rock and chucked it over to the already cut grass. I heard the kitchen door slide open behind me, followed by my Fathers voice.

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