"I'm done"

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Butters POV

It was a lot brighter than what I was used to when I opened my eyes the next day. Usually I woke up before or with the sun. The sky outside was bright blue, leaving me to assume that it was closer to noon. This scared me at first. I gasped and sprung up from my sleeping position thinking how upset my parents would be given that I had slept through my morning chores. It wasn't until I had fully processed my surroundings did I start to relax again. Right, I'm here. I'm safe...
I sighed as I laid back down and stared up at the ceiling. This was going to be hard getting used to. I didn't have to be so on edge anymore. Yet that idea was so foreign to me that it was...unsettling somehow.

I heard Bebe moving around in her bed as she turned to look at me. She propped her head up with her hand and gave me a soft smile. "Morning, sleepy head. You alright?"

"Um, y-yeah" I said with a nod. My heart was still racing a little. I put a hand over my chest and clung to my shirt. I looked to my left to see that Kenny and his sleeping bag were no longer next to me. "Where's Kenny?" I asked.

Bebe got out of bed with a stretch."Oh, he left early this morning to go work on the cabin, but he'll be back later".

"All by himself?" I asked.

"Yeah" she sighed. "I asked if he needed any help but he insisted he was fine".

"Hmm" I frowned. There was no way he could be handling all of that work just fine on his own. Plus, if he were to get hurt, no one would be around to help him. I got out of my sleeping bag and started digging through my back pack for some clothes. "I say we help him anyway".

Bebe smiled. "I like the way you think. We should bring him some lunch too".

"Good idea!" I said. I managed to find a light hoodie and started to look for some shorts when Bebe stopped me.

"Wait, I have the perfect outfit for you" she said. She rushed to her closet and took out a pair of rainbow overalls. "Tada!"

"Oh my gosh, they're adorable!" I squeaked.

"I was saving them for your birthday buuuut, I just couldn't wait any longer" she squealed.

"Thank youuu" I sang as I took the overalls and scurried to the bathroom to change. I was happier than ever and feeling adorable when I came back out.

"That looks so good on you, hun!" Bebe cheered

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"That looks so good on you, hun!" Bebe cheered.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"I'm sure Kenny will like it too" she winked.

I blushed and looked to the floor while my hands fidgetted with eachother. "Y-You think so?"

"Babe, you could wear a potato sack and he'd still think you're the cutest boy on earth".

I let out a shy giggle and hid my red cheeks behind my sleeves.

"Ooooh, someone's blushiiin" she teased.

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