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Butters POV

As the sky darkened, the night brought with it roaring thunder, and an unforgiving down poor. I've always hated thunder, ever since I was a kid. Before I was old enough to master shoe tie-ing, I'd hide away in my closet with my hands cupped over my ears. I'd cry and plead for it to stop until warm and inviting hands would touch my face. They'd wipe away my tears and pull me into a motherly embrace.
She used to sing me to sleep on those nights. Her singing used to be my favorite thing in the whole world. I miss the times when the only monsters I had to worry about remained under my bed.

A clash of thunder shook the ground beneath me. I flinched and curled up into an even tighter ball I was already in. I had seeked shelter under a picnic table. It didn't do much as far as keeping me dry, but it was better than nothing. Sleep didn't come for me until many hours had passed. By then it was morning. The storm hadn't died down any, but at that point i was far too exhausted to care about comfort and too dazed to pay any more mind to the storm.

High pitch squawking of tropical birds and the growling of my stomach were more than enough to wake me just a few hours later. I slowly pulled myself up off the damp ground and urged my stiff joints to move so that I could crawl out from under my hideout. I rose to my feet and brushed off some of the dirt and grass that had stained me. That's when I saw my phone sitting in the wet grass with water pooled on top of the screen. "Oh no, no, no, no!" I whispered to myself as I grabbed it. It must have fallen out of my pocket last night. I shook the water off and tapped the screen a few times hoping it would light up. But the screen remained black. Dammit. My only source of communication, gone. Unless, I could find a pay phone in town.

I took my phone apart, separating the case and the battery so that the pieces could air dry in my bag. Perhaps by some miracle it will work again. Even so, the battery was pretty low the last time I had it on...
I let out a heavy sigh and walked over to the ocean to splash away the rest of the dirt off of me. When I looked a bit more presentable I slowly made my way out of the park and closer into town. I stayed off the main streets and kept my head low. The first thing I did was buy a pair of cheap sandals off of a street vender to keep my feet off the hot pavement, and to avoid getting kicked out of stores.
I roamed around the small town for a bit until I came across a gas station. Attached to the small building was a pay-phone. Thank the heavens.

I headed inside and used some of the money Frankie gave me to buy a cheap breakfast sandwich, egg and cheese stuffed between a biscuit. I also grabbed some high calorie snacks for later. After getting my change I headed straight for the pay-phone.
I slid two quarters into the slot, just like I always did with the arcade games at the mall.
I dialed in Kenny's number, a number I know by heart, and brought the phone up to my ear. I listened to the long beep like ringing.





Kenny's POV

"I told you to wear sun screen!" Bebe scolded me through the video call. I knew it was a bad idea to turn my camera on. I was a tad bit sun burned.

"Yeaaaah" I said sheepishly as I had a seat on the hotel bed. "I guess listening to you does come in handy...sometimes".

Bebe rolled her eyes. "Use the aloe I packed you, and drink plenty of water. I don't need you dying of sun stroke on top of Leo being missing. Speaking of, have you heard from him at all?"

I shook my head. "Not since he told me his location".

"I hope he's doing okay".

"Hey, this is Leo we're talking about. He may look soft and squishy but he's also tough as fuck".

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