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Butters POV

It was dark by the time I had reached another town. Bits of my suit had been long abandoned to combat the unforgiving heat. I was left wearing just the undershirt halfway unbuttoned, and my pants which were rolled up to my knees. I even ditched my socks and uncomfortably tight shoes. It was easier walking barefoot anyway. I made sure each item of clothing was hidden somewhere and not somewhere out in the open so as not to leave an obvious trail behind. I wondered if they're searching for me. Then again, Stephen might have been arrested.

I thought back to the very moment I turned around after hearing the gun go off. I thought about Linda holding his arms down while she screamed at him.
That's the first time she's done anything right in...I don't even know how long. It still doesn't make up for all the shit she's put me through of course. She merely saved my life after putting it in danger.

He actually tried to kill me. I knew he's made threats about it before, and I believed him. Still, to witness it actually almost happen to me, to see a weapon in his had that had been pointed at me, it was a lot to process to say the least. I tried not to dwell on it for too long. None of it mattered now. I could put everything behind me and just focus on getting back to my real family.

I managed to find a public fountain, much to my relief. I practically collapsed onto the thing as I took a long needed sip of water. The cold water rushing down my dry and scratchy throat was like heaven. After my thirst was more than satisfied, I walked across the nearest beach to dip my feet into the ocean and cool off. I closed my eyes as the gentle waves pushed past my legs. I stayed there for a bit just to breath in the warm air around me and look across the mountains, the horizon, all the trees...
Somewhere out there was my best friend.
I've never felt more alone and afraid than now. This "small" island-as everyone likes to call it-was huge and far beyond intimidating, under my circumstances that is. Every single city, town, the mountains and body's of water, all of it swallows up Kenny and I's chances of finding one another.

After heading back to land I looked around in search of any signs to tell me where I was. It was too dark to see any though. Heavy and exhausted, I make my way to a patch of soft grass under a tree to rest in. At least I didn't have to worry about freezing without shelter. It only got down to around 70 degrees around here at night. I got as comfortable as I could and allowed the moonlight dancing around in the waves to slowly lull me into a deep sleep.


I awoke the next day to the smell of sausages being cooked on a grill and the hot hair sticking to my skin. I opened my eyes, only to close them again from the harsh brightness. I sit up and allow my eyes to adjust to the new daylight. My stomach growls and my nose searches for the smokey scent. Not too far away was a small group of people having a cook out. My mouth watered at the sight. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning. And that was just a small bowl of cereal. I felt like a stray dog hoping for a sausage to roll over to me. Would it freak them out if I went over and asked for some of their food?

Luckily I didn't have to dwell on that question for long. An older women noticed my presence and must have seen the desperation on my face. She grabbed a plate and walked over to where I was sitting.

"Excuse me" she said sweetly. She had long curly hair, round glasses, and a tie-dye bandanna wrapped around her head. "Would you like some?" She held the plate out towards me.

"Yes please" I took the plate and immediately began eating everything off the plate. "Thank you so much" I said in between bites.

"No problem" she said crouching down to my level. "Are you alright?"

"Um...well, I sorta had to run away. I'm looking for someone" I told her.

Her dark eyes shimmered in the light. "Mm, we're all looking for someone in this big world".

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