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Kenny's POV

As soon as I left the Stotches house I went straight to Bebes to explain everything. I walked into the house and up the stairs to her room. I gave the door a knock and she said to come in a second later.

"Hey, Kenny" She greeted. She was sitting on her bed beading a bracelet together. "What's up?"

"Lots" I growled. I went to her desk and flopped down in the computer chair.

"Oh no," she put her bracelet aside and gave me her full attention. "What happened?"

I breathed in trying to ease my tensed muscles. When I exhaled it came out shaky. "Leo's Dad is a fucking dick" I finally said.

"Well, we all knew that," she said with a shrug.

I shook my head. "No, it's far worse. He's not just grounding him for one ridiculous reason after another".

She frowned. "What do you mean?"
I bit my bottom lip. Saying it out loud was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I even started to tear up. Bebe saw my eyes start to water and a look of worry came over her. "Kenny?" She asked. "Is he okay?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat and shook my head. "He hits him" I finally said as a tear escaped and slid down my cheek. "I suspected it before. Every time I saw a mark on him I feared the worst. I didn't want to believe it though..." More tears pooled making my vision blurry. I blinked and they fell down my face. "I should have done something sooner".

Bebe rushed over and hugged me. "You couldn't have known, hun" she whispered.

I hugged her back and couldn't help but to break down crying right then and there. "He got locked out of the house and he passed out from the heat" I sobbed.

"What?!" She pulled away to look at me.

"I brought him inside the house," I told her. "I had to kick the damn door until his Dad opened it. I had him lay down and I gave him some water but I still don't know if he's really okay. Stephen made me leave. He didn't give a flying fuck that Butters could have died out there".

"Oh my god," Bebe said breathlessly. "Poor Butters".

I wiped the tears off my face with my shirt. "We need to get him out of there". Bebe nodded In agreement.

"Absolutely..." She looked around the room seemingly thinking something over. When she met eyes with me again she had a look of new hope and determination. "Why don't we sneak him out tonight?"

I sat up from my slouched position and leaned forward. "You think we could?" I asked.

She nodded. "Totally, he could stay at my place for now! My Mom adores him so she won't mind a bit".

"Oh my god that'd be awesome! Thanks Bebe". I relaxed in the chair a bit. "That makes me feel a bit better".

"Of course" she smiled softly. "I'd do anything for our Butter Bean".


Later that day we told Tweek and Craig what was up. Tweek was more than thrilled to hear about the plan. Craig was happy too of course. But just like Stan, Kyle, and a few other buddies I could think of, they were kind of neutral with Leo. They still liked him and all. But they didn't see just how wonderful our little ray of sunshine was like we did.

Anywho, As soon as the sky darkened, Bebe and I headed straight for the Stotches house in her car. It wasn't that far of a walk. But the car allowed for a quicker escape, just in case we were spotted. Tweek waited behind at Bebe's house with Craig. 

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