We Need A Plan

554 15 59

Butters POV

I think he broke my nose.

I could be wrong. It sure does hurt a lot though. I've already gone through six tissues trying to stop the bleeding.

I was seated on the floor of my room, my back resting against the wall. I wish I could stop crying. Trying not to sniffle as to not worsen the pain had proven to be difficult. I felt so gross. I was nothing but a mess of snot, blood, and tears. Not to mention my hair was all out of place, sticking in every direction, and my eyes were red, puffy, and the left one was bruised, again. My Dad had kept his promise. He beat me until I was nothing but a puddle of blood on the floor. He made me bleed not only from my nose, but from my mouth and bottom lip as well.

Then he bruised my sides, my legs, my back, anywhere he could kick me.

I honestly thought I'd be used to this kind of thing by now. I had hoped that at some point it wouldn't phase me anymore. But I often still cried until I had no tears left to shed.

I hated this. I hated dreading the next morning while trying to sleep. I'm tired of living in constant fear. I'm sick of feeling like I have no control over my life. I hate lying to my friends all the time. I'm tired of being in this constant cycle from hell. Replaying the same damn thing over and over.

But what can I do? I had no choice. I'm stuck here. It's not like I could just run away. Trust me, I've tried. It was before I had the good friends that I have now. Otherwise, I wouldn't have done it. It's why I haven't tried it again recently. I can't just leave them. Besides, the police would find me before I got far. Just like last time. I don't even know where I'd run off to anyway.

My parents are arguing again. I guess I can't complain much since It's rare that they do fight. But that's only because my mother doesn't talk back until she seemingly hits a breaking point. Their voices were muffled behind the walls. But from what I could understand, she doesn't think Stephen is doing a good enough job at shaping me into the kid he promised.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THEN LINDA?!" Stephen screamed loud enough to be clear that time. "YOU WANT ME TO BEAT HIM UNTIL HE CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE?!"

I whimpered in between my sobs and hugged my knees to my chest, burying my face in my sleeve.

I wouldn't be surprised if one day he went too far and ended up killing me. I've seen how violent he can get when he really loses it. One time In 8th I got into a fight with him over my grades. I usually did pretty well. I was even a volunteer tutor for my classmates. But during those months I was finding it difficult to keep up due to kids relentlessly bullying me. They found out that I was starting to notice I liked guys after snatching my journal from my bookbag. They threatened to tell the whole school if I didn't do their homework. My grades started to drop when I couldn't keep up, which pissed my Dad off. I yelled back at him in frustration and well, the next day I was brought to the nurse's office from how much pain I was in. After getting looked over, the nurse found a bruise bigger than both her hands over my ribs. She gasped, never seeing an injury this bad before. I was brought to the hospital and after further examination, It was revealed that I had three broken ribs. They said if I had been hit any harder I would have punctured a lung.
I lied and told them it must have been from football practice. Those kids, who were a grade above me by the way, still pushed me around every chance they got. Eventually though they got bored and moved on. Thank God for that. That was fewer bullies besides my Dad to worry about.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard heavy footsteps making their way down the hall from my parent's bedroom. I held my breath as they got closer. They stopped when they reached my door. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping and praying he'd leave.

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