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Butter's POV

He held my hand the whole way over to our choice of restaurant, and only held it tighter as we headed inside the building to order our food to go. Even when our hands got warm and unpleasantly sweaty, he kept our fingers intertwined. And I wouldn't trade It for the world. I couldn't stop staring at him. I watched the way his beautiful brown eyes scanned over the menu, the way his freckles bounced across his cheeks as he talked, the way he scratched at his stubble as he thought. When he caught me staring, my smile only grew bigger.

"What?" He said getting a little shy. Throughout the years I've noticed he's only really gotten this shy when he's around me. It melted my heart.

I nuzzled into his arm. "I just love you, Ken" I whispered.

He grinned and planted a kiss on the top of my head. "I love you too, Leo".

We ordered our food to go so that we could book a hotel for the night. I let out a heavy sigh of content as we entered the chilled room. I flopped myself down on the bed, instantly feeling as heavy as a rock. It felt so nice laying in soft covers again. No more painful bed spring cot or cold itchy grass.
Only when Ken placed my food next to me did I sit up again. We sat across from each other and finally began eating our much needed meals. For the first few minutes neither of us talked. Only when we both felt slightly less than ravenous did Kenny break the silence again.

"This doesn't actually count as our 'first date' by the way" Ken said pointing at me with his fork.

I furrowed my eyebrows with a smile as my fingers lightly pinched one of the straws to our shared milkshake. "It doesn't?" I asked before taking a sip.

"Nah, our first date is gonna be awesome. I have it all planned out" he explained. "First, I'll take out on a picnic like I promised you ages ago". My cheeks became warm at the very idea of him remembering something so small and silly I had said weeks ago. "Then I'll take you over to the carnival! I'll win you one of those giant teddy bears, then we'll go on the bumper cars- we'll steal the pink one together cuz pink is rad, then we'll go on the tea-cups until we spew out all the cotton candy and popcorn we had-"

I bursted into a fit of giggles. "When did you have time to plan on this?"

He smiled and looked down at my hand. "I um...let's just say I had a lot of time to think these past few days. I just couldn't stop thinking about all the stuff we'd do together once we got you back home. Or all the stuff I've wanted to say to you for so long...I was so scared I'd never see you again. I wanna make every moment count with you".

I locked hands with his. "You already do, Ken" I spoke softly. "It doesn't matter what we do. As long I'm by your side, I'll be happy".

"Yeah, me too Leo. I just want to-" the growling of his stomach interrupted him. We both let out a small laugh and went back to our food. "I just want to make the most of our time, now that we have it, ya know?" he said in between bites.

I scooched myself closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and took in his scent, I took in the warmth of his skin on mine. Everything in this moment felt perfect.

As soon as we were done I took a cool shower. The water running down me felt heavily. I felt so refreshed and clean afterwards. No more sweat or greasy hair, or dirt and grass staining me. As I was drying off Kenny knocked on the door.

"Hey, Squishy, I have some stuff for you" he said.

I wrapped the towel around me and opened the door. He held out a pile of clothes. "Hear ya go" he said bouncing a little.

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