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Kenny's POV

I waited for the red in my cheeks to go away before leaving the bathrooms and rejoining the others.

"You sure everything's okay?" Leo asked me once I reached the couch. I plopped down and and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Ya, everything's cool" I replied. My eyes went to the TV screen, but I wasn't actually watching it. My mind was still being consumed by the blonde boy sitting next to me.

My mind drifted to how it felt everytime we hugged. I thought about our long chats, and how we used to do stupid shit like sit on my parents roof with snacks and try to make eachother laugh until one of us had root beer coming out of our nose. Now that he was free, we could probably do stuff like that again. I didn't give a fuck what we did. I just liked spending time with him.

"Hey, Leo?" I whispered so as not to disturb the peace. Craig and Tweek seemed really into the movie, and Bebe looked like she was asleep.

"Hm?" He asked looking at me with those soft eyes of his. He looked like a puppy. How the fuck does his pretty eyes light up even in the darkest of rooms?

"Uh- I um.." I felt myself start to blush again and had to look away. "I was just wondering...Now that you're out of the house, is there anything specific you wanted to do anytime? Like, go to Starks pond or maybe a restaurant?"

"Hmm" Leo hummed and tapped his chin thinkingly. Adorable. "Oh! I've been wanting to go on a picnic someday for so long now!" He whispered. He had the biggest smile on his face as he spoke. It was now my mission to give Butters the best picnic he's ever been on.

"Done" I said with a smirk.

"Really?!" He said lighting up like a happy firefly. "Thank you Ken!" He giggled and threw his arms around me.

"N-no problem" I said hugging back.


It was just about midnight when I started to get drowsy. Craig and Tweek were tired too and decided to go home for the night.

"Goodnight Tweek" Leo said hugging him tightly.

"Night Butters, stay safe o-okay?" Our nervous friend twitched.

"I will, Tweek. Don't worry" he pulled away and looked into the coffee addicts sleepy eyes. "Try an get some sleep, okay?"

Tweek nodded. "I'll try. Craig is spending the night at my place so it should be easier".

"Ooh" I smirked. "Gonna tire him out, Craig?"

Tweeks entire face went red and he flailed his arms around like a bird explaining that it wasn't like that, though it came off more like incoherent squeaking.

"Shut it, McCormick" Craig said flipping me off. "We all know you're the biggest horn dog around here. If anything you'd be the one tireing out you're little boyfriend Bu-"

"OH WOW, LOOK AT THE TIME!" I said shoving the two out the door as fast as I could. Which was kind of difficult given that Craig was much taller than me and heavy as a tank even though he looked like a twig. "DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YA ON THE WAY OUT!" I pushed them out of the house and slammed the door shut. Phew. That was a close call.

"Smooth, Romeo" A voice teased. I turned around to see Bebe smirking at me. I rolled my eyes blushing and she laughed. Butters face palmed and started to laugh as well. I hoped for the love of god he just thought it was all a joke, that I didn't actually have feelings for him. I'm not sure if I ever wanted him to know. I always had that nagging fear that he'd stop talking to me. Besides, even if by some miracle he did like me back, I'd want him to find his own happiness first. Saying he's had a rough past was an understatement. I wouldn't want him to jump into anything he wasn't ready for. He needs time to heal from all this first. But, like I said, it would take a miracle for him to like me. He's just...perfect, a ray of sunshine that deserves the world. There's no way in hell I'd be able to give him that.

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