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I woke up with a smile the following morning. I kept replaying last night's events over in my head. I thought about how fun the arcade was, all the cute clothes Bebe so generously got me, and how sweet it was of Kenny to bring me outside when I got overwhelmed. He's so sweet.

After my usual morning routine, I made waffles and bacon for breakfast. I microwaved a bowl of oatmeal and ate it up quickly while I waited for the waffles to cook. I sometimes ate a small breakfast before my parents came downstairs, just in case something happened and I had to flee the table during breakfast.

Sure enough, that's just what happened. It was Sunday, meaning we had to go to Church. I hated the church we go to. We used to attend Father Maxis Church, which wasn't so bad. But because he didn't believe that gay and trans people went to hell, my Dad started taking us to one that did. It was almost a mile outside of town on what used to be a farm. It might has well be a cult. Infact, I think it is. No one is allowed to do anything that's outside their rules, everyone has to act the same way, and god forbid you question anything.
So when he reminded me that it was Sunday, I didn't have the best reaction. He heard me sigh and immediately slapped me hard across the face. He complained to me about how disrespectful I was and told me to leave before he had to hit me again.

That was enough to kill the joyous mood I had woken up with. I knew I couldn't expect to feel any kind of happiness or contentment for long when I was around him. After leaving the kitchen, I worked on my chores until it was time to leave.


It's scary how deceiving someone can be when they want to be. Take my Father for example. He was pretty popular in our Church. He was everyone's friend, he was known as one of the Church's "bests members", and was often praised for his "hard work". Everyone knew him as the "kind, strong spirted man". Apparently he was also a "good father". I guess I missed the memo.

It made me wonder just how many other people here pretended to be someone they're not. If my Father could be a complete monster at home and a saint here, anyone could probably do the same. Do the parents here also hit their kids? Does the priest himself drink until he's angry? Are there kids here miserable like me? You could never tell just by looking. Everyone was always smiling, laughing, and chatting up a storm about get-togethers while they waited for things to start.

"Ah, Butters, there's someone I'd like you to meet," My Dad said dragging me over to the front of the Church. There we met one of his friends, and a girl who looked to be about my age. She was taller than me, had long brown hair, and wore a bright yellow dress. It was hard to look at since she was standing right in the sunlight. Regardless, I did my best to at least acknowledge her. "This is Gracie" My Dad announced.

I waved. "Hello," I mumbled. My Dad gave my arm a squeeze. I bit my lip so as not to yelp.

Gracie looked me up and down. "Hi," she said smiling pleasantly.

"Look at that, I can already hear the wedding bells!" Gracie's Dad laughed.

"Won't be long. Just a few more months" My Dad said with a chuckle.

"Wait what?!" I said looking up at him in disbelief.

"Oh, he didn't tell you?" Gracie's Dad questioned. "We made arrangements for you two kids to marry. You guys are perfect for each other. My daughter has been admiring you for a while".

Gracie blushed. "Daaaad!" She whined.

"B-but I don't even know her!" I argued. There's no way they're serious. This had to be a joke. A sick and twisted joke. I couldn't possibly marry someone I hardly knew in less than a few months!

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