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Kenny's POV

We waited until the sun was gone to go back to the police station. The Chief would be just about done his hours right about now. Luckily, his office was in a more secluded area, which worked out perfectly for us and our plan.

We peeked around the corner and down the hall where his office was. I quietly made my way to the other side of the hall. As soon as he came out and fetched out his keys to lock up for the night, Bebe caught his attention.

"Chief!" She cried out desperately. He snapped his head around and looked at her as she "fell" and caught herself on the wall. "Please help, they've been chasing me!"

The Chief frowned and walked away from the open door. "Who?" He asked.

"I-I don't know, someone in the building".

"What's he look like?"

"Well, he's tall, and has dark hair..." her eyes darted to me. I nodded and slowly crept towards the door. She continued to give a fake description, taking her time. I ducked into the office and immediately started looking around. I looked at all the shelves, over his desk, flipped through papers, nothing out of the ordinary though. There was a picture framed on his desk of him with a women, his wife assumingely.
I opened the drawers to his desk one by one. Nothing but a bag of tootsie rolls and a flask in the first, boring paperwork in the second. Then I got to the third one. The only thing inside was a yellow folder. I picked it up and flipped it open, letting out a gasp shortly after.

"Let me just lock up my office" I heard the Chief say as he got closer to the door. I closed the folder and tucked it under my hoodie.

"Wait!" Bebe called out. "I think I just saw him!"

The chief stopped in his tracks just as he got to the door. "Where?"

"Down that way!" Bebe said pointing down the hall. The Chief jogged down the hall, disappearing around the corner. I ran out of there and took off down the other way with Bebe.

"Did you find anything?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, I found something alright" I whispered back. We speed walked out of the building and ran to the car. "I can't believe we got away with that" I sighed in relief.

"Let's not celebrate just yet" Bebe said driving down the road.

As soon as we got back to her place I placed the folder down on the coffee table.

"What's that?" Tweek twitched. His hand tightened around Craig's.

"The reason why numb-nuts doesn't want to help us" I flipped the folder open, revealing many photos. Photos of the Chief and Stephen being less than PG with each other. They were all dated quiet a few years back. Butters and I would have still been in middle school at this time.

"Oh my god" Bebe said with a look of disgust. "I could have gone my whole life not seeing these".
I moved the photos aside and picked up what looked to be a letter written to the Chief. It read, I doubt you want your wife to find these. Help me out and I'll help you. I plan on moving away to Hawaii with my family, however I may need to take some drastic measures to assure that. Any and all evidence will be taken care of by you.

"Hawaii" I spoke out loud. I looked at all the others. "Butters is in Hawaii!"


Butters POV

It had been hours since my Father left me on the stone cold floor. I stayed there even long after the sun rose. If I could, I would have laid there until I withered away into nothing. I didn't have the energy to do anything else. But of course that didn't matter to my parents. My Father demanded I get up. So, I slowly rose to my feet, wincing at the pain that was spread throughout my entire body. I stretched my stiff joints and rubbed the aching muscles in my neck. As soon as I exited the room Stephen pointed towards the bathroom. "First thing I want you to do is take that dam nail polish off your hands before I break them" he seethed. I nodded and headed straight for the bathroom. I looked down at the chipped blue and pink polish. I wondered if Kenny still had his on...

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