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⚠️TW: Abuse and lots of shouting⚠️

Kenny's POV

"Jesus, what's taking them so long?" I questioned as I paced the Stotchs living-room.

"Yeah, I called the police like 10 minutes ago. They should be here by now" Bebe said looking at her phone.

Another long and agonizing five minutes passed before a car pulled up.

"Finally" I said stepping out of the doorway.

The Chief got out of his car. That was odd. Why was it just him?

"This better not be a prank, kids" He said walking up to us.

"No, sir" Bebe replied. "Our friend has been kidnapped".

"Right, kidnapped" The Chief said sarcastically. "By his own Mother and Father".

"It's true!" I snapped. "His parents are horrible people. His Mother drugged us and took him against his will! He's in danger, Stephen hits him!"

The Chief sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look, kid, I'm sorry you're friend had to move away. But you really shouldn't be making up these wild stories to try an get him back".

"Move away?" Bebe frowned. She crossed her arms.  "Where to?"

He stared at her for a moment. As if he were contemplating his answer. "I can't disclose that information".

"Bullshit!" I yelled.

"Hey!" He shouted back. "I'm not going to take any disrespect, you hear me? Remember who you're talking to".

Oooh, I know who I was talking to alright. My jaw clenched as I kept my mouth shut. Despite the fact that I wanted to say a million "disrespectful" words to him, I couldn't. Not if we wanted his help that is.

"Now then" He cleared his throat. "You kids better move along. You're invading private property".

"What? No!" This time it was Bebe getting heated. "You're not listening! You can take the teacups she gave them and test them yourself! I guarantee you'll find some sort of drug on there".

The Chief sucked in his cheeks and stared at her yet again for a few moments. My hands clenched into fists. Come on, we don't have time for this!

"Alright" he sighed. Bebe let out a sigh of relief when he made his way inside the house. We watched from the doorway while he crouched down and inspected the tea cup. We were expecting him to call in a crime scene investigator, but he didn't. He picked up the glass himself. Didn't even wear any gloves and just dropped them in a plastic bag. There were multiple red flags coming off of this guy.

"Won't that tamper with the evidence?" Bebe asked exactly what I was thinking.

He just shook his head and walked past us. "I know what I'm doing. Besides, there's no use in calling for backup and waisting the investigators time when there isn't a case here".

"But you don't know that!" I argued.

"I thought I said to watch your tone!" He said between gritted teeth, teeth that were about to be knocked out of his stupid head in a second here if he didn't start acting reasonable. "I know Stephen, he's a good guy".

Oh my god. I mentally face palmed.

"He would never do something as sinister as this. Linda wouldn't either. They're good folks. They moved and took your little friend with them. End of story".

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