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Butters POV

As soon as my alarm went off I groaned and buried my head under the pillow. I turned it off and let my arm drop over the bed like a ragdoll. I felt like death.

I stayed in bed for a few more moments as last night's events came back to me. That's right, Kenny came to see me! I sat up and looked over to where he had been lying down, even though I knew he wouldn't be there anymore. I wish he was. He'd definitely make the day a little more bearable. I hope he didn't get upset when I fell asleep.

After dragging myself out of bed I spotted a written note on my desk. I stepped closer while rubbing the drowsiness from my eye and picked it up.

"It was good to see you! Glad to see you're alive lol. I'll be back again tomorrow night, or this night I should say if you're reading this in the morning. See ya then butt!"

I giggled and bounced with joy. He's coming over again! I can't wait!
I kept smiling to myself the whole time I was taking a shower, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, even when I was making breakfast. I hummed a made-up tune to myself as I flipped the pancakes.

But of course, that smile faded as soon as my Dad, who was clearly already in a bad mood from being hung over, walked in and started bitching.

"What are you so happy about?" He grumbled after taking his seat. I shrugged and started putting pancakes on plates,

"Just in a good mood, sir" I replied.

My Dad scoffed. "Bull shit! You're never fucking happy around us".

I quietly took a deep breath in and out of my nose. "That's not true," I said trying to sound as convincing as possible. I grabbed his plate and placed it in front of him. Then, with my hands held together in front of me like a good little church boy, I said "You and Mom make me very happy. I appreciate everything you do for me" in the nicest tone I could manage.

He glared at me. It took everything I had not to break eye contact so as not to give myself away. I always looked away when I lie. Just then my mother walked in, giving me the excuse to turn back to the counter. I grabbed her plate, as well as mine, then went back to the table.

I finished breakfast as quickly as I could. After excusing myself and taking care of my plate, I fled to the laundry room. As soon as I was through the door I let out a sigh of relief. I was safe, for now.

It's exhausting always feeling like I have to walk on eggshells around them. So of course I do whatever I can to avoid being in the same room as them. If they're upstairs, I'm downstairs. If they're in the Livingroom, I'm in the kitchen. When I can't hide in my bedroom because their looking for something I might be hiding from them, I hide in the bathroom. As long as I'm doing chores they don't care if they see me all day really. Just goes to show that it wouldn't really matter if I was gone. Someone else could always wash the dam dishes If I was dead.


As soon as supper was over and all my chores were finished I took off to my room as fast as I could without drawing too much attention to myself. Today had to be the longest one yet. Probably because I was counting down the hours until I got to see Kenny again.

I step into my room and quietly close the door behind me. I then ran over to the window and waited like a puppy would for their person. I knew it would probably be a few more hours until he came by. Still, I stayed right by the window doing things like reading my books and writing in my journal to keep me busy.

I ended up falling asleep while waiting. I guess I was a bit more tired than I thought.
When I woke up there was the familiar tap coming from the window. I shot up in bed and was met with that goofy grin of his. I waved enthusiastically and slid the window up. I expected him to crawl in like last time but he patted the spot next to him on the branch. I tilted my head, curious as to what he meant. Did he really want me to leave the house?

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