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⚠️TW: Mentions of self harm and self harm scars⚠️


Kenny's POV

"Hawaii??!" Bebe squeaked out in disbelief.

"Yup. Fucking Hawaii" I growled. "Those assholes think they can keep him trapped there". I stared at the letter and ran a hand through my hair. "Alright Stephen and Linda, I'll play your little game" I said as I crumbled up the stupid note into a tight ball. "Looks like we're going for a little trip".

"Hold on" Bebe said. "Even if we get to Hawaii, how are we supposed to find him? He could be anywhere on that Island".

"I'll find him" I said. "I don't care how long it takes. I will bring him home".


Butter's POV

It's strange how loud it can sound when there's nothing to make noise. It's as if the air around you becomes static. Like an old TV set stuck on that fuzzy screen you get when there's no signal. It's almost deafening. I've been listening to it for far too long.
Stephen and Linda were out running errands while I remained locked in my "bedroom". My feet were starting to fall asleep from how long I've been sitting criss cross on the floor, and my back was getting cold from being Pressed up against the stone wall.
I didn't have it in me to move from my spot. Depression had revealed itself in its ugliest form, paralyzing me in my uncomfortable position. What was the point in being comfortable anyway? I'll always be in pain as long as I'm here. And I'll always be scared. They don't even have to be here and I'm still scared with every breath I take.

It's bright outside. Unusually bright. Or maybe it was just too dark in here.

Where was I on this small island?

How far away am I from the ocean?

If I escaped here...could I run fast enough to slip into the water and drown so this nightmare would end?

I hate my own thoughts sometimes. They scare me.

My eyes finally shift away from the window I had been staring at for who knows how long and glance down at my sleeve. I pull it up past my elbow as my eyes scan over the old scars on my arm. My finger slowly traces over each and every one of them. I promised Kenny and Bebe I'd go to them first if I ever felt like hurting myself again.
Now what do I do?
Linda told me to stop. She and Stephen would  punish me for sure if they found out I did it again.
Despite that though, I couldn't help but to look around the room for anything sharp. Because of course I'm stupid enough to ignore the later outcome to ease the pain now. There wasn't anything useful in this empty room though.
That didn't stop me from mindlessly scratching at my arm though. My hands had a mind of their own.

When I wasn't staring at my scars I stared at all the marks that were given to me. Bruises covered my sides, legs, arms, I could feel them on my back and face as well. My kuckles were bruised and scraped from hitting the floor. Christ I'm a mess.

I had to get out of here. I don't know how I'd even get back to South Park even if I did get out of this house. I had to at least try though. If not for me then for my friends. If anything is keeping me going at this point, it's my real family waiting for me to come home. First things first. I have to find my phone.

As soon as Stephen and Linda got back I was ordered to complete my chores.
As I cleaned the house, I took the opportunity to look for my phone whenever they weren't looking. I peeked behind books sitting on the shelf as I dusted. I looked under every piece of furniture as I swept. I even looked in the junk drawer in the kitchen as I did the dishes. Nothing but papers, cords, and keys were in there though.

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