The Mall

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Kenny's POV


My eyes shot open upon hearing my sister screeching like a banshee at the top of her lungs. I fell out of bed in surprise and crashed to the floor. After stumbling to my feet I rushed out of my room.

"Kare Bear?" I said running down the hall. I got to her room and popped my head in to see a very angry Karen...and Mooshie tearing up her bedsheets.

She pointed to him with a look of disproval. "Get that THING out of my room before I tare up your bed as payback!"

I let out a laugh. "Awee be nice to the baby, Kare Bear" I walked over and picked Mooshie up, holding him close to my chest. "He's probably just hungry".
Karen glared at me and I laughed again. "Chillax, I'll buy you a new sheet".

She crossed her arms. "Fine... I'm still not happy with him though" she sticked her tongue out at the possum.

"Jokes on you, he can't see," I said leaving with Mooshie. She sighed and followed after me.

"Did you go see your boyfriend again?" She smirked.

"Karen!" I whispered. "He's not! My boyfriend!"

She giggled and ran ahead of me. I rolled my eyes and walked through the quiet house to join her in the kitchen. Our parents would still be asleep for the next few hours. We liked to be up before all the chaos could start. I fetched the box of lucky charms off the top of the fridge and grabbed the milk while Karen got us bowls and spoons. She put our breakfast together while I got Mooshie his breakfast. It was nice having actual food now that someone (aka me) was working now. It wasn't much, and my parents and Kevin liked to hog most of it without so much as a thank you. But at least now we didn't have to stress so much about when our next meal was. I couldn't wait to have my own place. No one to scream at us. No broken glass to step on. No one to eat all the food I bought. And all the freedom we could have. I haven't told Karen yet. I wanted to hold off until I already had a bit saved up. I think I'll tell her today now that I've been putting money away since I started working.

I placed Mooshie down on the table and put his bowl of hard-boiled eggs and fish in front of him. I smiled watching him gobble it up quick as a wink.

"Don't put it on the table" Karen whined.

"You really think this table could be any dirtier?" I asked pointing to all the grease and god knows what else has stained the table. She huffed and plopped down in her seat.

"Why do you keep that thing around? It could have rabies you know," she said not taking her eyes off the possum and taking a bite of her ceral.

"He does not!" I argued. "If he did I'd have them too by now". I held up my arm showing her the fading scars from when he bit me thinking my hand was food. "Besides, he's not that bad. Look at this little face" I cooed.

"Mm," Karen frowned. She looked into Mooshies eyes for a good couple of seconds. "I guess he is kinda cute, I'll give him that. Still creeps me out though".

I scoffed. "And here I thought you loved animals as much as I do".

"Well, I do!" She said. "But I don't bring wild animals into the house!"

I picked up Mooshie and pet the fur on his back like those evil masterminds on TV that have a cat in their lap. "You're just jelly".

"Uh-huh, sure," she rolled her eyes. I chuckled and started eating.

"Well, you're gonna have to get used to him. He's coming to our new home with us" I smiled.

"New home?" She frowned. "What do you mean?"

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