Puppet Master

309 9 14

Butters POV

Two months ago, I never would have thought this summer would turn out to be this amazing. I couldn't ask for better friends. Because of them, I got to enjoy the suns warmth, and do things like go swimming at Starks Pond under the moonlight, and roam aimlessly through the woods. I got to go on the swings at the park, feed the ducks, pet peoples dogs. I even got to sit on the McCormicks rooftop and drink off brand soda with Kenny while we tried to make each other laugh, just like old times. I got to laugh, paint my nails, wear dresses, stay up late watching movies and sleep in the following morning. I got to cook and bake, and not because I had to. I actually got to make good food for people I care deeply about and who truly care about me.
I'm even glad I got to do things like scrape my knees while rollerblading, or get my hands uncomfortably sticky with ice cream, getting splinters and sun burned. I was free to experience everything summer break had to offer and more.

Now that summer was coming close to an end, school would be starting soon. I don't think I'll be joining the others for the senior year. It was too risky. All my parents would have to do at that point was walk into the office and ask for me. Maybe I'll attend after I'm 18. Or maybe I'll start job hunting instead. Especially since I'll be living with Ken soon. I of course didn't want all the expenses to fall on him. I still can't believe he offered for me to stay with him. He was really happy when I finally agreed to it. It sure is going to be a lot of fun. The cabin was so close to being done. Kenny was able to recruit some help from some handy-workers, for his free labor on future projects in return. So it was a lot closer to being done than we had originally expected. Pretty soon it will just be me, Ken, and Karen. Oh, and Mooshie of course. I'll cook meals for them, we can hang out all the time, I can make sure Ken does all his homework (because I know for a fact he likes to skip out on that when he can). We'd be like a little family. I smiled to myself at the thought. I couldn't wait to move in with him.

"We should definitely get bean bag chairs" Kenny said as we walked down the street. We were heading down to Starks Pond to go swimming. It was too hot to do anything else. "It'll be a little while before I can afford actual furniture anyway".

"I like that idea" I said smiling. "We'll need some space heaters too. Just in case the fire place isn't enough to warm up the whole house in winter" I added.

"Oh, yeah, I didn't think about that"

"Maybe we can get-" I stopped mid sentence when my attention was immediately brought to my parents car. Both of us froze as the car took a sharp turn and parked right on the corner of the sidewalk we were on, blocking our path like last time. Kenny was quick to stand in front of me. I could only watch as my Mother appeared once again. Something was different this time though. She seemed calmer.

"Butters" she spoke out. "Can we talk?"

"He doesn't need to say a single word to you" Kenny growled.

"At least listen to me, butters" My mother pleaded. "I..." she let out a sigh before continuing. "Butters, I left your Father".

"You...you what?" I frowned in confusion and finally looked at her.

"Your Father is gone, dear. He left last night" she smiled at me "It's just you and me now. You can come back to me".

He's gone. My Dad was gone. My Mother left him? This...didn't make sense. I thought they loved each other. Don't get me wrong, him being out of the picture was a relief to say the least. It just didn't make much sense.

"Why?" I asked her.

She looked down at the sidewalk. "Sometimes...people just fall out of love, Butters. I fell out of love for your Father...a long time ago. And after you left I realized that there wasn't a point in staying with him. Because he pushed you away. He took my baby away from me". When she looked back up she had tears in her eyes. But she smiled. "He's gone though, sweetie. You can come back home".

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