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Shamblers are the closest thing to a zombie you'll see here. Shamblers are infested by a neurological parasite that turns them into mindless drones endlessly doing the parasite's bidding which involves feeding, drinking, and finding new hosts for its eggs.

The eggs are stored in the mouth attached to the teeth which are how they spread. Nasty fucks, The first time I saw one I was still being trained by my mentor Chuck.

Apparently what the parasite does is after the parasite bites someone the eggs go from the bloodstream into the brain. Once they're there it hatches after half a day and starts latching onto the brain with little tendrils and affecting it, causing the host to be attracted to dark and damp areas.

The most memorable experience I've ever had was one time I was called out to a farm. I was told a "sizeable" amount of people had gone missing and there were signs of a "Kestorum infestation." I swear the people who name these things like the sound of their own voice.

So the farm was infested, but the amount of infested was something I've never seen before. possibly more than 2000 people were infested and I don't know how many creatures were taken by the parasites.

The worst part was the barn of the property, Covered from floor to ceiling with meat and bones, An interesting thing about the parasite is after a certain amount of people taken, the hosts clump together and root themselves to each other.

When I walked into the barn I saw a beating heart of a nest with people, each one was attached to others with sinew and bone, the reason it was beating was the worms inside of the nest. the sheer sight almost made me puke, not to mention the smell of the rotting corpses

I snapped a picture of the nest, you can see it above

I took the jerrycan from my backpack and started soaking the thing as best I could, after some time of pouring the stuff I grab a bundle of matches and light them all, tossing it onto the heart.

In an instant, the nest went up in a bright orange flame with plumes of black thick smoke pouring out.

It was hell to listen to, the screams were ear-piercing.

I was told after I left they cordoned off a large swath of land around the infestation and scorched everything inside. that's all I was told, the media, on the other hand, were given a story about a plant disease that would damage the local tree population.

Glad I don't do the technical stuff, it always seemed like a horrible job -Void

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