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These ones or more of an environmental hazard than an entity that you'll get called for. they also don't seem like something that would be a threat but they very much are.

You only really find these in the woods but I've found them in other places too. If you find Stairs anywhere but inside a building.  Do not go up them.

These things are nasty as nasty gets, they're fine until you get to the top of them. the crazy shit I've seen from these things alone is insane.

It's always from people who think they are harmless are the ones who get hurt the most by them.

the way these things work is as soon as someone gets to the last step on them, something happens. I heard once someone walked up them and as they reached the top their heart just exploded.

The things these Stairs do are just really gruesome and downright horrific, I once saw a guy just fall down the stairs and nearly die. From what I heard happened to the guy I think death may have been preferable, the poor guy got most of his brain turned to mush. all that was left was the brainstem.

The Stairs always look different, one can look like just run-of-the-mill house Stairs and others can be spiral lighthouse Stairs. 

You can always tell if they're the bad ones by looking at the dirt and foliage, or rather the lack of it. dirt and bugs seem to leave them alone as if they know the danger they pose.

When you see them (Because you absolutely will) leave them alone. I'm going to say it again one last time. LEAVE THEM ALONE. -Void

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