Hearts of darkness

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These are, well they're weird. They float around spreading corruption to their surroundings.

this corruption does what the name suggests, It corrupts creatures and plants. if they sit around too long they open up holes into the void, which is pretty bad.

any corrupted creature or animal gets stronger and more durable, It also gains bloodlust and attacks any human near them. 

I think humans are immune to the effect. I don't know the reason, It could be the power of love or some other imaginary force that stops these from corrupting people, it doesn't really matter.

The way to destroy these is by just destroying the tethers that anchor these to the location, after all the tethers are destroyed the heart opens and spews more of them to latch onto more nearby surfaces.

This is the moment to strike, just start shooting at the middle of the heart towards the strange purple light and you'll destroy it. Do cover your ears afterward, when destroyed they produce a nasty scream that hurts your ears. I learned that the hard way, ears were ringing for a good day and a half.

I once had a new guy come along with me on a call for one of these, pretty sure he pissed himself when the thing released a tether and grabbed him by the ankle and started dragging him towards the core. I had to step in and save the guy, I did feel like a badass afterward.

the tethers have to latch into concrete and stone so their are sharp. So you don't get grabbed, wear a bit of plated armor for these.

I got a pretty good quality picture, lucky me.

I don't like these, they turn otherwise cute animals into something horrifying and deadly. I lose no sleep destroying these, in fact it's the opposite. -Void

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