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Varients of the Collectors, these guys are nothing like their polite and friendly counterparts. Stealers will use their sharp claws and attack animals and men alike for anything they find interesting.

The reasoning for finding items is the same as the Collectors. But their means of acquiring their things is a lot more, violent. The things they want are also more, malicious. There have been reports of them stealing people's organs, and limbs. How they do this is still unknown.

The Stolen parts are ripped from their original owners, their claws are sharp. But they aren't precise, they just go in haphazardly. Death from the victim is common, but they don't all die.

They do still collect benign things, like rocks or bottle caps. But they are fiercely protective of their things. If you attempt to take something they have their eye on, they'll attack you.

While being limited to merely walking, they're just as fast as Collectors, if not slightly faster. Just because they are Tripedal creatures, that doesn't mean you underestimate them.

I cant tell you how many times I've heard these claim a new hunter's life because they wouldn't listen to their superiors that they were dangerous, They may be related to Collectors but they are still dangerous. just like how Domestic cats and tigers "related to each other" doesn't mean you pet and cuddle with a tiger. -Void

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