The Tall Ones

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I was told about an urban legend of a thing named the "Slender Man" by one of the newer recruits and I read about the thing and yeah, he's one of the Tall ones

I took a picture of one, I'm not the best photographer, you can see it above.

Tall ones are annoying as hell and just as dangerous. they don't have faces, just blank white heads so it's hard to tell where it's looking most of the time.

They produce a type of radiation that causes paranoia, hallucinations of the Specific Tall one producing the radiation, and nausea.

the only way to kill these things is by shooting them with a bullet engraved with a certain symbol, I don't remember the name they gave it. Started with an S I think.

The type of clothing worn by these monsters denotes their personality. tattered rags mean they are insanely aggressive and will attack as soon as possible, the ones wearing suits are more patient and way more sadistic in nature.

the way they attack is pretty weird. they produce strange appendages from their back and using them to beat, strangle, and smash their prey to death. some like to drag their prey's death out for a long period of time while others just kill them quickly. usually based on the clothing choice.

There are lots of other types but the funniest one I've seen is one wearing a cardigan, the bastard just stared at me didn't attack me at all, I don't think it even produced any radiation since I wasn't getting any nausea.

We just stared at each other for a while until I told it that it needed to leave the area. the dude just stared at me and gave me a light nod and faded away.

The weirdest one I've seen is one wearing a suit but wearing a bowtie. I walked near it and it started running away from me, the radiation it produced made a staticy crying noise. I had to chase it and calm it down before getting it to leave

The angry ones are always more common than the weird and passive ones. glad that that calls for these ones are rare. -Void

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