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Every now and then, we'll get a call about a boat or ship that's been beached or wrecked for a long time, or at least so it seems from the age of the ship. The Wrecks seem to just appear after storms, like one day the thing isn't there, and the next it is.

The thing about these wrecks is they're Haunted. Yes, haunted; you read that right. The official name for these entities are "Personifications" but that sounds far too Sciency. I just call them ghosts.

These Ghosts are dangerous, but not in the traditional way. They don't attack you or anything, but just mess with your mind, getting too close can also cause some other issues too. Darkness also seems to make these things worse, so bring extra batteries.

The wrecks themselves also are a bit odd. The ships are varied in time periods for when their built, some being modern ships and others being old wooden ones and everything in between. Hell, we once saw a submarine.

We had some guys from Research come out and scan the ships we've found and hadn't decommissioned and scrapped yet and the readings we got were pretty wild. There were traces of frost burns on the hulls, where the area got iced over completely and thawed soon after.

Some parts of the metal were also magnetically charged, both inside and out.

The weirdest data we got was from one of the Weirder ships. Every now and then we get a ship that just radiates bad energy, that's not even a metaphor. Even being near it gives off this strange energy that disables most types of lights.

The data we got from it showed signs of Extra-dimensional transportation. Where, we don't know. But we do know that where ever the ships go, it causes the ghosts inside to go fucking apeshit.

Normal ghosts look like physical shadows, just standing there; never moving. get near them and you start to hear them whispering in your own head, because of that we cant ever record it. Hell, getting too close causes some issues with the signals going to your heart, causing an arrhythmia. The longer you stay, the worse it gets until eventually it just stops your heart entirely.

These other ships though, we call them tortured Wrecks. Due to the Jamming of any light technology, you gotta go in with basic oil or gas lamps. God help you if it goes out, darkness is bad in normal wrecks, but in these its even worse. Its hard to go into detail about what happens but its not good, just trust me on that.

The ghosts themselves of these wrecks are different too, much more mobile and hostile, but not in a malicious kind of way. They also look a bit different, have a tinge of dark red streaking through them. 

Getting near them causes sounds to be heard in your own head, but unlike the whispering of the ghosts, The Tortured Souls Scream. No words, nothing comprehensible. Just Pure screeches of the damned and insane. 

When normal Ghosts touch you, all you feel is cold energy passing through you. But Tortured Souls feel like a rush of boiling steam passing through you. And unlike Ghosts, Tortured Souls will seek out the living to keep them there with them. Almost like they're lonely...

The wrecks themselves are also bad, but more in a ecological sense. Theres the average oil and other chemicals going into the water, but there's also some other chemicals that we quite haven't narrowed down what they are yet. But its most definitely a ecological nightmare in terms of damage and effort to clean up.

Getting sent out to a wreck doesn't always mean you'll be going in, most likely you'll be on guard duty while a team breaks the ship down from the outside. Once the Wreck is destroyed, the Ghosts/Tortured Souls inside will fade away; daylight seems to make them vanish for good. 

By the way, if your doing a job at a Wreck. Dont make a joke about paranormal activity or anything horror related, Thats not because the ghosts will do anything. Its because any joke you possibly could come up with has been done to death so hard that it probably wanders the halls of a Wreck. -Void

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