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Observers are mostly harmless; only showing up every now and then and disappearing shortly after.

They appear suddenly, but not from nowhere. We've watched them through security footage walking out from around a corner and sitting in a spot watching a specific person of their choosing. 

There's never been a situation where more than 1 person has seen an observer when they appear. When someones coming, they disappear. Something makes you look away from them, or blink. Like something falls behind you, or you sneeze, or just even blink for split second; then they're gone like they were never even there.

We had discussions if there was only one of them or several. But after reviewing a shitload of footage we came to the conclusion that it was multiple of these things, Some of us were slow to agree but we eventually came to an agreement.

After doing countless investigations into the people they watched, places they came from in footage, and failing to retrieve any samples of its hair that it may have left behind.

All for nothing, not a lick of evidence that even proves their physical existence. For all we know is that they might be a hallucination projected into our brains from some metaphysical entity.

Overall it's a sinkhole of manpower, even if others haven't accepted yet. We shouldn't even be looking into them as much as we are, Maybe a small team investigating them. Not a whole department!

I'm ranting, sorry bout that. But Observers are mostly harmless like i said, preferring to watch from spots that give themselves and the one they're watching an optimal view of each other.

For some reason, they prefer to watch members of our organization. So it's not uncommon to see one watching you from time to time. whether its from across the hall, in an empty section of the archives, or in front of the toilet as your are about to use it, looking at you with those soulless eyes. Just knowing you want in, but don't want to get near it. Just reveling in the amount of discomfort you're in.

These and the bullshit they caused are just a headache, for all included. -Void

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