Chapter 3

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I open the door to the apartment muttering about how much I hate this when I see him.

Louis Tomlinson.

He grins at me and I feel my face morph into a mixture of horror and disgust. "Him?!" I yell.

He looks confused, maybe even slightly hurt, but I ignore it. "You have got to be kidding, right?" I laugh. My parents look at one another in a 'I knew this would happen' type way.

"I don't even want to fucking get married, not matter to some stupid prat!" I curse.

"Hey! I take offence to that!" I heard him say. I roll my eyes. "Shut up, carrot boy." I snap.

He looks taken aback but closes his mouth at my harsh tone. "You can't do this to me." I say again.

"Look Lana, it's only until you're 18 and then you can do what you want, right?" They compromise.

"But that's 6 months away!" I protest. How am I supposed to survive half a year with that dickhead?

"Lana! Don't be so rude!" My mother shouts. Oops, did I say that out loud?

"Yes, you did." I hear Louis say from across the room. I turn to glare at him.

"Stay away from me or I'll knock those stupid stripes right off of you." I growl, before grabbing my suitcase and storming out into the hall, where I assumed the bedrooms were. I open a door to see a queen sized bed in a red and purple room. 'Nice colour scheme.' I think to myself. I sit on the bed until I hear the front door close.

Footsteps echo up the hall and I cross my arms as the door to the room opens.

"What do you want?" I snap, as Louis' face appears in the doorway.

"Um, in case you hadn't noticed, I kind of live here now." He says sarcastically.

"Well get out, this is my room." I say, not looking at him.

"There's only one bedroom genius." He points out. My eyes snap up to his and widen in shock.

"What?" I exclaim.

"Yeah, looks like we're roommates. What fun." He says the last part under his breath but I still hear it and narrow my eyes.

"I don't think so. I'm taking the sofa." I mutter, grabbing my suitcase and walking out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

He soon follows me but I keep on walking, pushing my hair out of my face.

"You can't take the couch...uncomfortable...just stay in the bedroom....I'm not that bad." I catch snippets of what he says to me but ignore them all.

"What's your problem?" He suddenly says, before pulling on my and turning me to face him. I scowl back at him.

"None of your business Tomlinson." I snap. "Look, I know you don't want to be here and I sure as fucking hell don't want to be here either. So I'm going to ignore you and you are going to ignore me. We will only speak when it is vital and I am not cooking you dinner."

He looks shocked and only stares at me until I shrug his hand off of my shoulder and go to the sofa.

I throw my suitcase onto the soft pillows and then grab my car keys out of my bag and shove them into my pocket.

"Where are you going?" He calls after me as I open the door.

"Work." I says, not looking back and slamming the door behind me.

"Lana?" Charlotte says as I walk into the shelter. "You aren't due for another shift until tomorrow afternoon." She frowns.

"I know, but I seriously need to vent right now." I say, walking up to her.

"I'm getting married." I grumble. her face looks shocked until she beams.

"Lana that's amazing! I didn't even know you had a boyfriend! But aren't you a bit young? I mean you have your whole life ahead of you and oh my goodness can I be maid of honour?!" Charlotte rambles on until I clamp my hand over her mouth, signalling for her to shut up.

"I don't want to get married. My parents are forcing me to, and even worse, it's to some stuck up prat." I remove my hand from her mouth and she looks confused.

"Who?" She asks.

"That's just the thing! He's a stranger! For all I know he could rape me in the middle of the night!" I yell. I decide not to tell Charlotte that he is actually Louis Tomlinson from One Direction because she is a HUGE fan and would probably die on the spot.

"Sounds like you're in a bit of a pickle hun. Here," She grins. "I know what will cheer you up." She gestures for me to follow her into the pens. Walking over to one she pulls out a key and unlocks it.

"He just came in an hour ago. His name's Larry." She holds up a Labrador puppy and I squeal.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I yell running over and grabbing the pup out of her arms. "How could anyone EVER abandon this cutie?!"

"Knew that would cheer you up." She grins at me, her perfect white teeth shining bright. I smile back and continue to coo at Larry.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I set the dog down, shutting the pen behind him.

1 new message from - Unknown Number.

I frown and open the message up.

Hey it's Louis. I got your number off of your mum. We need to get some pictures taken for the newspaper and I know you don't want to but just come back to the apartment ok?

I roll my eyes and text back a whatever, then saving his number into my phone.

"Sorry Charlotte. Got to go. The hubby awaits." I roll my eyes for what feels like the 100th time today and walk out to my car.

I sigh as my phone vibrates once again.

1 new message from - Stupid Prat

(A/N) Hey, hope you liked it. I got some new readers! *Wipes away small tear and smiles dramatically*

I am in such a good mood because my exams are FINALLY over! YAY YAY YAY YAY!

SO, here is a longer chapter and I hope you like it :')

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