Chapter 4

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Hurry up. - Stupid Prat

I grin to myself at the contact name and text back quickly.

Somebody's impatient. Keep your stripey carrots on, I'm coming.

I shove my phone back in my pocket and start up my car.

I turn on the radio and sing along to What Makes You Beautiful. Only, I turn it way down and sing the Key Of Awesome version.

"Look at my face. So sweet and Pure. They let me sing, even though I have a st-u-tter." I smile and continue to sing. "We're hangin' tough. We punch the air. 'Cause like the honey badger we don't fucking ca-a-are."

I pull up do the car park but wait in the car until the next verse is over.

"This song was made by a gay computer. We all sing high 'cause we're neutered!" I laugh and turn off my engine.Still chuckling to myself I take the lift up to floor 7 and walk to room 4.

"Hey Lewis." I say, smirking. He turns to glare at me but I just smile innocently back.

"It's Louis." He mutters.

"Well yeah, I know that, stripes." I raise my eyesbrows. "But Lewis annoys you..right?" I smirk at him again and he scowls.

"So what time do we need to leave?" I ask. He checks his watch.

"Just under 2 hours."

I groan. "What the fuck? Why did you make me come back here so early?! I could have spent some more time with Larry!" He looks confused.

"But I figured you would want some time to get ready..." He trails off still looking confused.

"Wow, very considerate of you." I say sarcastically. "But I'm not one of those stupid whores that take a forever and a day just to get dressed."

"But don't you need to like, take a shower and do your makeup and all that other shit?"

I roll my eyes. "I had a shower and washed my hair this morning. I don't wear make-up and I don't take hours just to pick out a fucking outfit. Like, for god's sake, it takes 5 minutes do pick out some clothes and put them on."

I pick up my suitcase and pull out some hollister jeans, a hollister white tank top and a white see through top to go over the first one. I hold them up to me. "What do you think?"

He looks at me and nods and I take off my sweatpants. He looks alarmed and holds his hands in front of his eyes. "What are you doing?" He yells, his voice muffled.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting dressed carrot boy.! I say sarcastically.

"You can't just strip in the middle of the living room!" He exclaims.

"Um, in case you hadn't noticed, this is kind of my room. So, yes I can." I point out. "If you don't like it you can leave."

He frowns and simply looks away while I get dressed.

When I finished I sat down on the opposite end of the sofa. "So what are we gonna do now then?

He shrugs and I turn my attention back to the TV. I slowly inch my way closer to Louis. I do it so slowly that he doesn't even notice, and when I snatch the remote from his hand, it's obviously a massive surprise.

"Hey!" He yells and I smirk at him.

"We're not watching this shit." I state. He pouts and I turn my attention to the TV, flicking through the channels. "Oh hey look, Paranormal Activity 2." I select it and then settle down while Louis makes a horrified face at me.

"No!" He screams. He scrambles up and over to me, wrestling for the remote and snatching it, then running back to his end of the sofa for safety. he quickly puts on Love Actually and I sigh.

"Yay. A soppy love story. My favourite." I say sarcastically.

By the end of the movie I was bored stupid and about to fall asleep when Louis jumped up.

"Shit, Lana, we have to be there in like...20 minutes ago!" He yells. We both jump up an run to the door.

I pose beside Louis, my hand in his and smiling. It was easy to act like I adored him, I've been acting for years.

Him on the other hand, he wasn't so good. He was tense and looked awkward while I forced myself to relax and put on a fake smile.

"Okay last photo!" The cameraman annouced.

"Yay." I say. "I hate getting my picture taken. Louis sighs beside me and I notice that he still has my hand wrapped in his. I pull it free and frown slightly.

"Okay. Louis, Lana. Just one last picture guys."

I nod, smiling.

"I just need you two to show me a kiss."

(A/N) Ooooooh cliffhanger! Yay I got more readers! :')

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