Chapter 11

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"Breathe." I tell myself as the stylist plays about with my hair, trying to style it perfectly.

It's finally happening. We only met just over a week ago, and we are getting married...crazy right? I have to say, this isn't exactly how I pictured my wedding day. Especially seeing as I'm only 17, nearly 18. I have to say though, this is exactly how I pictured my wedding dress. It's absolutely beautiful.

It's strapless and it has flowers on the waist and it kind of comes in and then flows out near the end in netting. Possibly the most gorgeous dress I have seen in my entire life.

"Okay hun, you're finished, now go and knock them dead." The stylist grins at me and I thank her. Charlotte comes up to stand next to me as I stand outside the double doors wringing my hands together with nervousness.

"Alright Lana?" She says, concern clear in her voice.

I shake my head viciously and she puts her hands on my shoulders in a comforting fashion.

"You'll be fine." She reassures me.

"Lana, 3 minutes. Remember to smile." My dad stands next to me but I ignore him, looking Charlotte up and down. He dark purple dress looks beautiful on her and really shows off her curves.

"You look amazing by the way." I smile at her, before I am pushed forward by somebody and the doors are opened. I feel like I'm in a fucking movie. There are even a few camera men that have been pushed into the shadows.

The first thing I notice when I enter is Louis standing at the opposite end of the hall, looking nervous as hell, and Harry standing next to him, obviously his best man. The rest of the boys stand behind him and I start to walk forward as the music plays.

Louis smiles at me as I reach him and takes my hand, squeezing it in an 'it'll be ok' type way. "You look beautiful." He says under his breath. Just loud enough so that only I can hear. I blush furiously and grab his hand tightly.

"Thanks." I say, letting out a shaky breath. I bite my lip to stop myself from beaming an turn to the vicar. Cameras flash behind me but I pay them no heed. This is my day.

"Nervous?" Louis says, softly, looking at me. I nod and take in his appearance. His hair is styled in the way that makes him look older, but in a good way. the sort of quiff type thing. Only so much better. I have to say, I've always loved it like that.

"If there is anybody who knows a reason why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." The vicar looks expectantly at the audience and then at us, smiling. "Always a tense part of the ceremony, that." He whispers. I nod nervously and smile back.

"Lana Greg, do you take Louis Tomlinson to be your lawfully wedded husband, in richness and poorness, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?" The vicar asks me. I turn to Louis smiling.

"I do."

"And Louis Tomlinson, do you take Lana Greg to be your lawfully wedded wife, in richness and poorness, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

I look expectantly at Louis and he grins back at me. "I do." He whispers. Again I blush.

"Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride!" The vicar smiles at us and we quickly peck lips, lingering for only a few seconds. We then turn to the crowd, holding hands and smiling, just like management told us to.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Wanna watch a movie?" Louis asks, taking a swig from his beer bottle.

"Sure." I call from the kitchen. I stick some popcorn in the microwave and melt some butter. When it's ready I stick it in a bowl and set it on Louis. Seeing as he hogs the bowl anyway.

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