Chapter 8

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Lana's P.O.V

Who does he think he is? Poking his nose around in my business. It's their own fault that I hate them. Stupid bastards.

I log into twitter - of course, the place where it all started- and see 6 new notifications from 1 minute ago.

@Real_Liam_Payne started following you

@NiallOfficial started following you

@zaynmalik started following you

@Harry_Styles started following you

@Louis_Tomlinson started following you

@onedirection started following you

I frown as my twitter notifications suddenly sky rocket. I haven't even tweeted anything yet. It's only because One Direction have started following me. Maybe I should tweet something then?

I think for a minute before sliding my fingers over my keypad.

Wow! I don't think I've ever had as many followers as I do now... #FreakinOut

That should satisfy people until I can be bothered to tweet again.

I walk over to the bathroom and start to wash my face. Louis did an awful job, I look like a complete clown. I scrub hard and it comes off eventually, though my face is considerably redder now. I go to my suitcase and reapply the only make-up I ever wear; Clear Mascara and some lip-gloss. I have no need for anything else. I don't get spots and the few I ever get I spray perfume on before they can break out and they just go. It's a little trick my mum taught me.

I change into my pyjamas and settle down in front of the TV. There are two living room type room things. The boys obviously are in the main one and I'm in the smaller one that just so happens to have a bathroom attached. I think this was supposed to be another bedroom but my mum and One Direction management decided it would be more fun if we were forced to sleep in the same bed. Well, I'm not afraid to sleep on an uncomfortable sofa. Just put a few pillows underneath me.

The Notebook starts to play and I wrap the blanket tighter around me.

I jump probably about a foot in the air when I hear a knock at the door. "Can I come in?" I hear Louis call from the other side of the door. I don't answer and he must take that as an invitation because he enters the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Have you seen your twitter?" He asks, I roll my eyes.

"Well, you obviously know that because you re-tweeted me." I say, sarcastically.

He sits down next to me, but I keep my eyes firmly on the TV screen. Out of the corner of my eye I see him staring at me and I pause the TV, turning to glare at him.

"Stop staring at me." I say. Even to my ears I sound pretty irritated.

"You never answer the question." He replies.

"What question?" I ask, looking away from him.

"Why do you hate One Direction." He asks.

I turn to face him. "You really don't know do you?"

He shakes his head slowly and I sigh, telling him the whole story.


I admire the posters on my bedroom wall, if you can even call it a bedroom wall. there are so many posters of One Direction that you can't even see any of the purple paint. Probably your typical nearly 17 year old's bedroom.

I log onto twitter with the username Lana_Loves_1D_4Ever and start to tweet the boys for probably the 5th time this morning. I never get a reply and I don't really mind. I mean, they have a load of fans that tweet them.

This time, however, they did tweet me back, though not individually. I got a tweet from @onedirection and I almost squealed with joy, until I saw the tweet.

@Lana_Love_1D_4Ever STOP TWEETING US! For god's sakes! Most fans tweet a few times a day but you pester us at least 5 times an hour! GO AWAY! #ClingyBitch

I feel tears well up in my eyes as millions of people retweet the tweet and reply to it.

Haha she is so stupid!

Leave One Direction alone bitch!

I turn my phone off and throw it against the wall. The screen smashes but I don't care. I run over to my wall and rip down the posters one by one, tearing them into bits. I get all of my One Direction merchandise and throw it out of the window. A lot of it breaks and the rain soaks the T-shirts. When I'm finished I sit against the wall and cry.

The next morning I go to school. As soon as I walk through the gates loud laughs find their way to my ears.

"Hey Lana, why don't you leave One Direction alone?" A particular bitch shouts at me. A number of similar shouts erupt from the other students.

The bullying carried on for another few weeks until one day I couldn't take it anymore and ran from the classroom and to the toilets.

"Lana?" I hear one of my best friends call out.

"What?" I sob.

"They're not worth it you know. I always hated them. Now we can hate them together.

My tears immediately dry up and I walk stony faced out of the cubicle. She was right. I had no reason to like them anymore. I had always been the one to contradict Victoria when she was hating on them, but they had indirectly made my life a living hell.

I sold my One Direction Concert tickets on the Internet and made a killing since I had tickets to about 5 different venues, all of the seats were at the front row. I even had passes backstage and was going to meet them. It comes in handy having extremely rich parents. But now, the though of seeing them makes me sick. I made thousands of pounds with my tickets and tucked it away safely into my bank account. y parents didn't mind. I gave them back the money they paid but kept the profits for myself.

At the end of the school year I dropped out of school and got a job at the animal shelter. My parents didn't mind one bit so I just kept working there.

*End Flashback*

I tell Louis the whole story and he has a faraway look on his face. When I finish he says nothing, so I speak.

"There, now you know" I grit my teeth. "Now get out."

His eyes meet mine with confusion. "But La-"

"I said get out!" I say with a bit more force. He stays put and I see red.

"GET THE FUCK OUT LOUIS!" I scream. He looks startled but gets up quickly and leaves the room.

"I'm sorry." I hear him whisper, before the door completely shuts. I bit my nails and turn the TV back on. The movie plays for another 5-10 minutes though, before I get sick of it and turn it off, snuggling down into the blanket and closing my eyes.

It takes me a few minutes for me to realise I'm crying. I sit up quickly, wiping them away furiously. I don't allow myself to cry anymore. Crying shows weakness, and I refuse to be weak.

But try as I might, the tears won't stop and after a while I give up and let them flow. All my pent up emotions from the past year are coming out all at once.

I scream in frustration and put a pillow over my face so that the boys won't hear. If they did hear, they didn't do anything about it, because the door stayed firmly shut.

It took a while, but I think I finally cried myself to sleep, something I haven't done since that day.

(A/N) Well, there it is. That's why Lana hates One Direction. I have to say, I really got into writing this. I actually found myself getting really angry at One Direction while writing this and I had to watch one of their video diaries after just to remind myself that I love them! Haha! :) x

Love you guys who are reading!

This chapter is dedicated to AbbyPerry for being my first commenter! :)

Thanks so much! :)




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