Chapter 27

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(This is purely about Shada and Zayn so if you don't have any interest in them then just skip on t the next chapter because theres nothing you need to read about Louis and Lana) 

Zayn's P.O.V

I reach hesitantly for my phone, then pulling my hand back in fear. I can't do it. What if she says no? i stand up from my chair and pace around the room a few times mumbling to myself. "What should I do, what should I do?"

After a few minutes I reach for my phone and diall the number quickly. It rings once, twice, three times. On the fourth ring she picks up. "Hello?" Her smooth voice answers and fills my ears. I breath quickly and deeply. "Zayn is that y-?" Her voice is cut off my me hanging up.

As soon as I do it I regret it. "Stupid, stupid, stupid." I mutter, hitting myself on the forehead. 

At this point, Niall walks in from the other room. "Jesus, what's your problem?" He laughs.

"Shut up." I grumble, shooting him a glare as he reaches into my cupboard and pulls out a donut that I had hidden in the back. Just as I open my mouth to protest, he takes a massive bite out if it. I close my mouth. 

"Mmm this is a good donut." He grins, talking with his mouth full.

"My donut." I mutter.

"What?" He calls.

"Nothing." I reply.

"Whatever. So anyway what was wrong with you earlier, you know when you were hitting your forehead and caling yourself stupid? Not that I'm disagreeing with you or anything ha ha but yeah why?" He says, shooting me a grin.

I ignore his comment and let out a sigh at the question he asked. A long sigh. "I dunno Niall. Stuff's complicated."

He settles down beside me and slings an arm around my shoulder. "Tell uncle Niall." He says, taking another huge bite out of the donut.

I sit a little further away from him as all the little crumbs and drops of spit are making a direct line onto my face and it's really gross.

I sigh again. "So you know that girl Shada?" Niall nods and I continue. "I really like her and I want to ask her out but every time I pick up the phone I get scared and I put it down again." I mumble, putting my head in my hands.

I feel Niall take his arm from around my shoulders and stand up. I dont take my hands away but i listen as he walks across the room. 

Niall's P.O.V

As Zayn talks I frown, continuing to eat my donut which is most definately supposed to be Zayn's but oh well.

As he finishes what he says and outs his head in his hands I roll my eyes and stuff the last of the donut in my mouth. I quickly get up and walk across to the other side of the room, grabbing Zayn's phone and entering the passcode which I know from the time that I looked over his shoulder one time he was typing it in and he never noticed me.

I scroll down his contacts quickly finding Shada <3. I hit the call button and Zayn still sits in the same position. 

"Hello? Zayn? Are you okay?" Shada answers. I steal a quick glance at Zayn and answer her.

"It's Niall." At my voice Zayn's head snaps up and he glares at me.

"Oh um hi Niall whats up why are you on Zayn's phone?" She asks, sounding confused.

"Yeah it's important actually so bear with." I chuckl. At this point Zayn stands up and marches over to me reaching for his phone. I don't think he's realised Im on with Shada. So I run around the room.

"So Zayn has this massive crush on you you see but he doesnt have the balls to ask you out himself so I stole his phone and now I'm doing it." I grin. Zayn now catches on to what I'm doing and his mouth falls open. He starts to chase after me and I run around the sofa.

"Really?" Shada says in disbelief. "He has a crush on me?" 

"Yeah so what do you say? Friday at 8? Great! He'll see you then. Bye!" I ring off cheerfully right as Zayn leaps across the sofa and pins me to the ground. I expect a punch but instead he kisses me on he cheek and grabs his phone.

"Thanks Nialler." He says, skipping away.

"Um, you're welcome." I say to the empty room.


(A/N) That was fun to write :)

So hey guys guess what? OH YEAH I KNOW WHAT!

So next monday guess what it is?! TEACHER TRAINING DAY!

And what does that mean?!?! NO SCHOOL! FUCK YES!


But yeah phew calm down damn.

See you next monday :D

Love you guys :)

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