Chapter 15

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*Christmas Eve*

I stare out of the window and take in the glistening white flakes falling from the sky. Grinning, I run into the bedroom and jump onto Louis, bouncing on the mattress to get him to wake up. I know, childish.

"Ugh, what do you want?" He groans. I yank open the curtains and he opens one of his eyes. When he sees the snow he lets out a girlish scream and jumps out of bed. I laugh at him and open the wardrobe. I pull out some warm clothes and throw them at him.

He gets up to put them on and I walk over and fix the bed. I have to admit, it's kind of hard not to stare when he takes his shirt off. I try to hide my blush as he catches me looking, and head for the door.

"I'll be outside." I say quickly. I compose myself before walking out of the apartment and then down the stairs and out into the white world. I twirl like a 6 year old before dropping to the ground and making a snow angel. After a few minutes, another figure plops down beside me and I turn my head to see Louis with a wide grin on his face.

"I love making snow angels." He smiles. I nod and jump up, admiring my work. It looks pretty fucking amazing. Lou also gets up and I take a picture of our snow angels, reminding myself to put it on twitter later.

"Let's build a snowman!" I suggest. Before he can reply, I start to roll a large ball of snow. After a few minutes, it starts to actually look like the bottom of a snowman so I stop and gather up some snow around the bottom to make it more stable.

"I've got the middle!" Louis yells, jogging up to me with a massive ball of snow in his arms. He sets it carefully on my snowball and twists it to get it to stay. I have to say, it looks pretty goddamn cool. Lastly, Louis makes up the head, while I look around for some stones and sticks. I find some and drop them in front of the snowman before going back up to the apartment and grabbing a carrot, some gloves and a hat.

We place them on the large snowman and then Louis poses in front of it, giving a thumbs up and putting on a large grin.

I laugh and then set to uploading the pictures.

@Louis_Tomlinson Best snow angels ever! What do you think of our snowman? We think it's the best goddamn snowman ever!!

I attach the photo and then lock my phone. I see Louis' back is turned and I pick up a pile of snow, mushing it in my hands to form the perfect snowball. I duck behind a bush and then launch it. I know it reached the target fro the shout that I heard from Louis.

"You're dead Lana! If I can find you..."

I duck down for cover and muffle my giggles with my hands. Suddenly, I am yanked from my hiding spot and I let out a shrill squeal. Louis laughs and pins me down on the ground. Does he really think he can overpower me? Damn, it's like this guy forgets that I'm a black belt in jujitsu. I easily switch positions so that he is the one pinned against the ground.

"Did you really think you could beat me, Tomlinson?" I smirk. He glares at me and I stuff snow in his face. I then get up and run away laughing. About 5 snowballs all find themselves hurled at me and then it erupts into a full blown snowball fight.

I hide behind a tree until Louis comes up and rugby tackles me to the ground. I laugh and he does his best to keep me pinned down.

"Now what's your plan genius? I mock. He looks confused, just as I thought, He never actually thought he would have a hold over me for this long and so didn't know what to do.

He slowly starts to lean downwards. Is he trying to do what I think he is trying to do. What is he doing?! My mind races with questions as I stare into his bright blue eyes which start to flutter closed. WHAT IS HE DOING?

Duh, you know what he's trying to do, you dumbass! He's trying to kiss you!

Well, as much as that thought appeals to me, it's never going to happen. The only time I kiss Louis is when I have to (though I can't say I don't enjoy it). Hold on, what the fuck am I even thinking for. I throw hi off of me.

"Maybe we should go in now..." I mumble. He looks hurt but nods.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

*Christmas Day*

I wake up and rub my eyes. Rolling over, I come face to face with Louis and I smile. he has such a bed head. Yes, I know what you're thinking. SHE'S SLEEPING IN THE SAME BED AS LOUIS? DAFUQ? Yes, we are sleeping in the same bed. JUST sleeping. It's so much more comfy than that stupid old sofa. Also, I don't exactly hate Louis anymore, so there really is no reason for me not to get a good nights sleep.

"It's Christmas!" I scream into his face. He groans but sits up. I can't believe we actually slept in this long. I checked the clock and it's 11! I have a few texts fro the others, thanking me for their presents and I text back a quick you're welcome and the run to the living room, where our tiny little tree has it's 4 presents under it. 2 for each of us.

Louis follows behind me, looking half dead. I rush over to the tree and hand him his presents. He, in turn, gives me mine and we sit facing each other.

"You go first." He offers.

"No, you go first!"

"Okay, same time? Gag presents first?" He grins. I nod and smile, pointing to his gag present as he points to mine. We rip off the paper to reveal the gifts. Louis got me One Direction underwear. Oh my God. How did he even know what size I was.

He's laughing at the t-shirt.

"Did you look through my underwear?!" I exclaim. He just smirks.

"I had to know what size you were!" He defends. I wave him off and we move onto the real presents, setting the others aside.

This time I let him go first and his face is priceless when he sees the converse. "Wow!" He exclaims. "These are so cool!" His face breaks out in a massive grin. "Thanks Lala!" He gives me a hug and I laugh.

"You're welcome!"

"Now open yours!" He demands.

I lightly rip the paper to reveal a small deep purple box. I open it to see a beautiful charm bracelet. My mouth drops open and I stare at it. The silver chain has 4 charms on it.

"The cat is because that's your favourite animal, the rose is because that's your favourite flower and the lock and key is just because I thought they looked nice." He looks down at the ground and my eyes tear up. This is probably the most thoughtful gift I have ever received. I stand up and walk over to him, giving him peck on the cheek.

"What was that for?" He grins.

"Thank you so much." I whisper. He grins and blushes until I add, "You're a really good friend."

And his face falls.

(A/N) Sorry I am such a bad uploader but I have (believe it or not) been training for my black belt in jujitsu so I haven't had much time lately. Plus homework and other boring shit like that.

Next chapter is Lana's 18th birthday (2 month time skip) and then it's the BEST CHAPTER EVA!

Stay tuned kittens :)




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